Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!!! – IOTW Report

Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!!!


28 Comments on Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!!!

  1. Prediction: Jackass Joe will lie his crooked ass off and the democRAT pet networks will back him up…. and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they let him ramble after his time is up!
    Trump will get cut-off mid sentence.

  2. Wets get weddy to mumble… with a demented Lo-IQ imbecile who can’t count past three, tells off-color racial jokes, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity and sings “The Villages” commercials when he’s drunk… or on drugs – doesn’t matter. Trump should ask him how many rolled up dollar bills did he have to use to get prepped for the debate!

  3. Biden will be so hyped up on meds his eyes will look completely black with his dilated pupils.
    CNN will end the event in time so his meds will still be in his system.

  4. “Pppf-bup-Pppf-bup-Pppf-bup-Pppf-bup-Pppf-bup-Pppf-bup!”

    “Emergency! Evacuate the venue immediately!!”/

    *Emergency alert*




  5. President Trump was out by where I work, but at a fundraiser private event and it wasn’t like I was invited. A guest there was Sen. JD Vance, being bandied about as a VP candidate.


    I would personally prefer Dr. Brad Wenstrup, whose retiring from the House and also from this part of the world, but JD would be an attack dog, so maybe.

    God Bless and protect President Trump wherever he goes and whoever he picks.

  6. This must be an op. No way the democrats are gonna let brainless leader Shitzhizpantz debate. He could barely make it through the 13 second video his team posted to call Trump out. I think they’re gonna find any excuse they can to jail Trump prior to the scheduled debate date, and then they’ll hold it with Trump’s side empty saying he couldn’t make it because he was jailed at Riker’s Island.

    The filthy democrat base will jerk off to that scene.

  7. What’s different this time — and why
    In a letter released Wednesday morning, Biden’s campaign chair laid out her boss’s terms for debating — which, for now, all parties seem to have accepted. They include several big breaks with tradition:

    Biden declined to take part in the usual schedule of three general election clashes sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which had already been penciled in for Sept. 16, Oct. 1 and Oct. 9, and instead proposed that the candidates negotiate directly with each other and “news organizations” to plan two debates of their own.

    Biden said the debates should start sooner than usual, in June, because the commission’s timetable was too late to influence the growing number of Americans who participate in early voting.

    And Biden insisted that the debates occur inside “a television studio with just the candidates and moderators” — and microphones that cut off when a candidate’s allotted time is up — rather than with an “in-person audience [of] raucous or disruptive partisans and donors.”

  8. Nope. Only live in front of a sports stadium full of raucous partisan voter, absolutely no participation of legacy media or pseudo-neutral League of Women Voters or other commy trash organizations.

  9. This ‘administration’s’ policies are BEYOND obvious.

    The ‘debate’ will likely be called off because MAGA supporters are unlawfully destroying the entire arena, killing innocent liberals and refusing clean underwear for Biden.

  10. Trump should bring up Ashley’s diary, especially now that Snopes has basically admitted that it exists and its contents are real. He should also bring up Hunter’s laptop again, the one that Joe specifically said wasn’t real.

  11. @Cisco Kid

    “They always have something up their sleeves…”

    You are exactly right. Those assholes are counting on Trump mopping the floor with Biden’s shit stained ass,
    then play the bully card, “berating an old feeble man”,in the rebuttals. They know Trumps nature, I just hope Trumps handlers make it clear to him that “IT’S A TRAP”

  12. My first reaction was this is confirmation, slow Joe will not be the nominee, but maybe they feel so confident that Trump will be convicted in NY that he won’t be able to show up because he will be in Jail.

  13. The unmitigated gall of the stupid bastard on full display here is a textbook example of why it’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.


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