War on Family – IOTW Report

 War on Family

Clandestine’s Newsletter: There is a reason the Left are so upset about Harrison Butker’s speech about traditional family values.

Because the Left’s mission is to destroy the nuclear family, so that the individual is dependent on the State.

The Left want full control of all aspects of your life. They want both parents working, so they have more income tax to launder. They want your children being raised in their indoctrination centers known as public schools, so they can raise your children while you are at work.

The Left want to demonize your religion, so you will accept the Party as your God. They want every human isolated and without a higher purpose, so they will view serving the Party as their only purpose. more


6 Comments on  War on Family

  1. Over a half century ago democRATz destroyed the Black family. You need only to look at all of the miserable, run-down, shot-up, burned-out, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, urine-soaked, feces-friendly, certified “Sh!t-Hole” plantation cities that have been run with total democRAT dominance with nothing to show for it except abject failure, filth and corrupt cronyism established with food stamps, endless hand-out programs and a LARGE dose of Liberalism! Over half a century of Liberal democRAT Snake-Oil® promising Hope & Change and NOTHING ever changes! Now they’ve taken their fight to successful White families by using “White Supremacy”, “White Guilt”, silly pronouns, sexual perversion, mutilations, Global Warming, COVID and an army of Useful Idiots to push it with relentlessly pursuing a program of Divide, Divide, Divide/ Destroy, Destroy, Destroy using any method they can dream up. Now they’re employed a Communist government to destroy the military, the Police, the economy and the social fabric of our nation. China got their nose under the tent in 2008. Now they’re running the whole circus! If this isn’t the enemy within I don’t know what is!

  2. Men wearing girdles and ladies wearing jock straps. What could go wrong with society, Oh Yeah, morons controlling every aspect of life because most people have no brain left to discern the good from evil. Somehow, these [humans] control the whole world but that’s OK because ‘I own nothing and I am happy’
    Thank the Lord for iotwrepot and the last faction of sanity. BTW, it will cost you $5 to read this post. LMFAO…

  3. If I were to undertake to take over control of collectivist lives to the same degree that they want to control mine (I never would), I would act first of all on my conclusion that their lives are too long and need to be drastically shortened.

  4. “Because the Left’s mission is to destroy the nuclear family”

    Harkening back to last week’s thread, substitute “feminism” for the left and you would be more accurate.

    There is a reason feminists always vote democrat. There used to be a difference between democrats and the left, a demarcation line between traditional democrat issues and the radicals who wanted fundamental change within our institutions, no more. The left is the tail that now wags the dog, they set their agenda. So now the feminists view democrats as foot soldiers who will spread the message and do the dirty work.

    “so that the individual is dependent on the State.”

    It is more sinister than that. The destruction of the nuclear family and objective Christian morality framing our world view will not only make us dependent but much more pliable in accepting security over liberty, believing the government has our own best interests at heart, and allowing them without much of a squawk on the people’s part to change the very institutions (patriarchy, personal agency, the sanctity of all human life, and basic human rights) that made our nation great and unique to all others.

  5. @ Harry SUNDAY, 19 MAY 2024, 12:51 AT 12:51 PM

    They deliberately and systematically destroyed Detroit. The Covid scam gave them cover to build the next and the and the next Cabrini Green in every city and town in Washington State. The butt ugly fucking things are nothing but warehouses for the “vulnerable populations,” which is code word for populations they have identified to target and exploit and a base of operations for gangs.

    The ENTIRE progressive movement, and you bet your ass I include the Republican establishment in there, are Satanists through and through. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who would cast a vote for a single Democrat knowingly and willingly support this shit and are complicit as the leaders.

    The masks came off the Democrat wing of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement in 2020, what has gone down since leaves no doubt about who and what they are. To be ignorant at this point demands willful ignorance and that is even more damning than full throated support.


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