Cargo Ship Cut Loose – IOTW Report

Cargo Ship Cut Loose


The large container ship which allided with theย Francis Scott Key Bridge, closing the mouth of the Baltimore Harbour in March was floated off and started its journey to a temporary berth for repairs on Monday. More

7 Comments on Cargo Ship Cut Loose

  1. That article doesn’t makse sense.
    A ship can’t get from Baltimore to Boston in just a few hours.
    Did they mean it was moved back into Baltimore harbor for repairs?

  2. “A ship canโ€™t get from Baltimore to Boston in just a few hours.” especially at 1 mile per hour! A couple aspects of this article are confusing.

  3. PHenry
    MONDAY, 20 MAY 2024, 20:52 AT 8:52 PM

    “overstayed their visas” and this would matter to the FJB administration how?

    On the flip side all of them need to be taken into custody until tje NTSB figures out what combination of human and equipmemt errors led to this disaster. I’ll suggest emphasis on the decision making to take a ship experiencing recent “power outages” away from the pier and into the traffic channel under its own power. This was ultimately a management failure whether by the captain, his engineer, or the port authority.


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