Bronx Residents Ahead of Trump Rally: ‘Trump Is the Man’ – IOTW Report

Bronx Residents Ahead of Trump Rally: ‘Trump Is the Man’

Residents in the Bronx expressed support for former President Donald Trump ahead of his rally on Thursday evening, pointing out that “people need to see” that their president cares about them.

In an interview with Newsmax, several expressed that people in the city were “struggling” which led to people “getting desperate” and an increase in crime rates.

“We were just going to buy Windex to clean the windshield,” one man told the outlet. “Everything is expensive. Everybody is hurting. People need to see that their leader cares about them, and Donald Trump does care about them, and that’s why he’s coming here.”

The man added that people in the neighborhood were “paying 30, 40 percent” on certain items.

poll from April by No Kid Hungry New York found that 85 percent of New Yorkers said the price of food is rising faster than their incomes were, while 47 percent said they were having a harder time being able to afford food.

On May 17, the Trump campaign announced that the former president would be holding a rally in the South Bronx at Crotona Park on May 23. MORE

7 Comments on Bronx Residents Ahead of Trump Rally: ‘Trump Is the Man’

  1. It’s encouraging to think that the people in the Bronx are waking up to the fact that Pedo was and is a disaster. While they’re at it, maybe they can look around and see if there is a bartender that may lean a bit more conservative to send to Congress and help Trump unfuck the situation.

  2. They can’t just vote for Trump. They need to rid themselves of ANY AND ALL candidates that do NOT support freedom, liberty, the rule of law, low taxes, low regulations, etc. That does NOT ALWAYS mean supporting republicans (we know how they are too), but it certainly means NEVER supporting democrats anymore. Biden is just a symptom of the bigger DNC problem, and the UNIPARTY is a bigger symptom of everything that is wrong in America.

  3. My inside the high school tipper offer of what is going on says that it is no longer cool to be all straight up Democrat rah, rah, rah. In fact backing Biden is to expose yourself to ridicule. If the Republican establishment was anything other than a bunch of worthless shitbags this would represent a monumental crisis for the Democrat Party.

  4. “The man added that people in the neighborhood were “paying 30, 40 percent” on certain items.”

    Some typos are 180 degrees away from intention. Sounds like a great sale is going on.

  5. ^ And if Republicans were the party of freedom as they used to be, it would be a watershed moment for them and American history.

    Rod Serling take:

    Imagine, if you will, a country that finally rejects Communism so resoundingly that its political party dies.


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