Trump Moves To Dismiss Classified Docs Case Following Bombshell FBI Revelation – IOTW Report

Trump Moves To Dismiss Classified Docs Case Following Bombshell FBI Revelation


Former President Donald Trump’s attorneys alleged that prosecutors violated his constitutional rights in the classified documents case, according to filings on Tuesday.

Trump’s attorneys filed multiple motions to dismiss his classified documents case, including one for “prosecutorial misconduct and due process violations” and another based on the “unconstitutional” Mar-a-Lago raid. Trump’s attorneys further argued that the warrant, which they said was “executed in an egregious fashion and in bad faith,” lacked “the particularity required by the Fourth Amendment.”

The warrant did not establish any basis for “rummaging through the majority” of the rooms at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, including “the private bedrooms of the First Lady and President Trump’s youngest son,” Trump’s attorneys wrote. The attorneys also requested that evidence gathered from the raid, along with through a “subsequent unlawful violation of President Trump’s attorney-client privilege,” be suppressed. more

5 Comments on Trump Moves To Dismiss Classified Docs Case Following Bombshell FBI Revelation

  1. Bombshell, Bombshell, Bombshell…
    Yes it’s evil and atrocious, but can we find a nuther word besides “Bombshell”?
    Itz startin to look like the Ukraine around here!

  2. Lets see what happens. A regular Joe in a regular court would get everything dismissed because of how the FBI conducted themselves.

    If the system wasn’t crooked, Trump wouldn’t be in court in the first place, None of this would be going on.

    Being right doesn’t matter to the evil ones trying to hurt you. In fact, it probably p___es them off more.

  3. “The warrant did not establish any basis for “rummaging through the majority” of the rooms”

    Trumps got a document they want real bad. And it sounds like they’re prepared to do anything to get it.


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