Why Democrats Can’t Ditch Biden Now – IOTW Report

Why Democrats Can’t Ditch Biden Now


The party’s basic conundrum is this: Democrats purport to view Trump as an existential threat to “our democracy,” but they are being led to the political slaughter by their senile octogenarian-in-chief. So perhaps Democrats are planning to depose Biden and pull the old switcheroo at their summertime nominating convention in Chicago — a spectacle already expected to be mass-protested by pro-Hamas radicals who abhor the man they call “Genocide Joe”?

It’s not going to happen. Democrats, whether they like it or not, are stuck with the doddering Delawarean dolt as their 2024 presidential nominee. More

19 Comments on Why Democrats Can’t Ditch Biden Now

  1. If Democrats leapfrog the Black female Harris to choose any of these white men — especially the Hollywood villain-resembling Newsom — they will have committed an egregious sin, according to the tenets of their very own woke catechism and “diversity, equity and inclusion” ideology.

    This is a silly, stupid argument. All the dems have to do is murder Kakamala and the problem is solved.

  2. Big Mike ticks – Well that’s a nightmare right there!
    Holy shit! lookit the size of them suckers!
    Do they jump on yer legs while hiking thru the hood or what?

  3. I was pretty upset at the stolen election, but I think it really turned out for the better because of the things that have happened since then.

    Roe v Wade – If that happened on Trump’s watch even more people would be against him – (yeah I know they blame him for everything anyway.)

    This HAMAS crap and them hating Genocide Joe – Just think what they would call Trump since he actually supports Israel.

    Those and many more things have made a lot of Dems see the light and, I think, more likely to vote Red after this. Or, at least, really consider the candidates instead of just pulling the blue lever no matter what.

    Funny how that has been their motto, Vote blue no matter what? Boy. That’s a cult.

  4. “and the Dems get to appoint the nominee.”

    Like they always do, but this time they don’t have to be so obvious they are rig the primaries. Obama would not have won the nomination without huge cheating in the primaries. They even gave him credit when he wasn’t even on the ballot. Blatant cheating.

  5. “This is a silly, stupid argument. All the dems have to do is murder Kakamala and the problem is solved.”

    Hmm, wouldn’t that put Mike Lil Johnson in charge? Oh God no. Not that.

  6. There is another reason the democrats will have a big problem doing the ole’ swictheroo at the convention.
    Ballot aces, several states have requirements, most notably Ohio, that nominees must be submitted in August, switching after the convention would mean their replacement candidate would be ineligible for ballot access. If the Democrats are going to switch they have to do it by the June debate. If they don’t they risk not having a presidential candidate on the ballot in several states and that would potentially cost them several house seats.

  7. Been saying this for a couple of years. There’s a school of thought extant that says the people who installed (Davos crowd (thought an old white man would be acceptable to the country) fronted by Jim Clyburn) him didn’t realize how disliked and dislikable he was (ever see a story about his friends before politics?).

    The time to dump him was ’22.

    PS “after he finally ran a successful presidential race on his third try”.


    Tells you what a rag Townhall has become.


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