Pennsylvania man returns home after detainment in Turks and Caicos for ammo in his luggage – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania man returns home after detainment in Turks and Caicos for ammo in his luggage

A Pennsylvania man arrived at the Pittsburgh airport Friday night after he was released from custody on the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), where he had been detained for having ammunition in his luggage.

Bryan Hagerich — a 39-year-old husband, father of two and former professional baseball player — is one of five Americans arrested and detained on the islands since February for having stray ammunition in their luggage, a crime punishable up to 12 years on the islands.

The other detained Americans are Ryan Watson, 40, of Oklahoma; Sharitta Grier, 45, of Florida; Tyler Wenrich, 31, of Virginia; and Michael Lee Evans, 72, of Texas. more here

25 Comments on Pennsylvania man returns home after detainment in Turks and Caicos for ammo in his luggage

  1. Turks and Caicos? Off my bucket list.
    I’m beginning to wonder if T&C planted these stray bullets in people’s luggage. How many people have accidental ammo in their bags?

    Seems fishy.

  2. Sounds more like a ‘plant’ rather than ‘I forgot to check my luggage’
    Probably an extortion attempt, wealthy Americans traveling around the world…
    People with more dollars than ‘cents’

  3. FYI – In recent years, the Turks and Caicos have seen a big jump in gun-related violence.
    What if someone got in the middle of gang crossfire and his luggage wound up with five lugs in it… would that count too?

  4. It’s surprising to me that anyone can lose track and not know they’re missing even one cartridge given the inflated price of ammo these days.

    Even with ammo I’ve had for a while, when I go to the range I know how many rounds I took with me, how many rounds I shot, and how many rounds I brought home (if any). It’s not like I keep a ledger or spreadsheet, but these are pretty simple numbers here.

    I’m very glad Hagerich is back with his family!

  5. Turks & Caicos is very near the wonderland named Haiti

    As I get older my desire to see the world decreases. The world growing crazier by the day doesn’t help.

  6. What a lot of people don’t realize is that there is a LOT to see in your own back yard! I’ve travelled a lot domestically and abroad. Have visited all the States except two and have discovered that the more you see, the more there is yet to see… right here in the good ole U.S.A.

  7. Happened to me. Cruise ship out of Seattle. My checked in bag that I use for the desert. I went thru the bag checking for ammo and cleaned it out(I thot). Lotta nooks n crannies in a roller bag. Flew to Seattle, boarded ship and was eventually called back to security. They kept asking me, on the walk back to the terminal, if I had anything in my bags they should know about. All I could think of was my gummies. Bottom line; 6 security guys and the Seattle cops. 1 40cal, 2 9mm, 1 32cal, 2 .22. No arrest. Seattle cops grinned at me over the whole thing.


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