They Keep Trying – IOTW Report

They Keep Trying

Financial World

Google’s journey with AI-powered products has been a rollercoaster. Each new release seems to follow a predictable cycle: initial excitement, public scrutiny, and often, a swift retreat. This pattern was starkly evident back in February when Google had to withdraw an image-generating feature from its AI chatbot due to public backlash. Fast forward to today, and we see a similar scenario unfolding with Google’s AI Overview feature, designed to replace traditional search results with AI-generated summaries. More

Some of the more hilariously bad answers include putting glue in your pizza, eating rocks and that Obama is a Muslim (which Google solved by closing that search query). Here

10 Comments on They Keep Trying

  1. Regarding ‘0bama is a moslem’. He is, or he’s apostate, in either case since he’s queer as well he’s correctly marked for death by the cult. Odd that they’ve let him live, and so ostentatiously publicly. Anyway, AI appears to lack a discernment common to non-leftist human beings. A sense of the veracity of a statement. A sense of what is correct and what just sounds good. Not a mentally competent human alive would mistake a man in a dress for a woman except in the most unusual circumstance, AI does so without consideration. Chlorine? Bleach or poisonous gas? What, at this point, difference does it make? To the AI none.

  2. I know how AI can be fixed overnight: Make mockery of AI a federal hate crime. That includes insurrectionists who carelessly joke about eating glue and rocks. There’s precedent. Ask Douglas Mackey.

  3. I wonder if anyone did put glue in their pizza sauce?
    What a mess.
    Can no one write proper programs any more?
    Or did Google use DEI to hire programmers?


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