Prime San Francisco Real Estate Investment Under Water – IOTW Report

Prime San Francisco Real Estate Investment Under Water

SF Gate

It’s a property with a view spanning over 10,000 square feet in Alameda, less than a mile from the beach and just steps away from Rittler Park and South Shore Center.  

For $400,000, it could be yours, but you might need to sprout some gills if you want any chance of living there. The lot at 610 Grand Street (no bedrooms, no bathrooms) isn’t overlooking the coveted neighborhood’s scenic bridge. It’s in the depths of the murky lagoon beneath it. More

5 Comments on Prime San Francisco Real Estate Investment Under Water

  1. Not Looking
    Just hoping that it’s somebody I despises mud flat
    Sounds like the right state and place
    The Dude is a Capitol Turd and is always whining about nobody hives him enogh free stuff
    He was instrumental with his pals in the early SillyCON days

    Absolute POS and just about every single one of his grifting scheming conniving whining and crooked silicon valley pals.

    I got Stories
    And Pics
    And Vids

    F the Grifters.

    PS: A bunch of those grifters are now jumping back on the Trump Train. Let them on.

    They are gonna get thrown off, in motion, maybe slo

    PPS: Another one, identical to the POS above, is located in New Orleans. Plays up Trump, now. That’s NOT what he said before. Said some real nasty stuff about Trump about 6 months back. You know, when the future bread is buttered side up Fall results were not as predictable. He wears flag get-ups and hawks his crap. Looking to scrounge bucks off tourists.

    He is NOT what he claims. And he ain’t no Patriot.
    Their all Grift Turds.

  2. Easy peasy.
    A flat bottom house boat.
    Ride the tide, dude.


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