Biden Says He’ll Help Africa ‘Build Back Better’ in a Second Term – IOTW Report

Biden Says He’ll Help Africa ‘Build Back Better’ in a Second Term


President Joe Biden said he would help Africa “build back better” in a second term, if reelected, during an interview on Tuesday.

Time reporter asked Biden, “If you do win in November, Mr. President, with a mandate to continue your approach to foreign policy, what would your goals be in the second term?”

Biden said, in addition to building NATO “both politically and economically,” he is “desperately focused on making sure that we deal with the…what they are calling the south now.”

“There are going to be a billion people in Africa in the next several years. We have to, we have to be a catalyst for change for the benefit, for the, for the better, we have to help them build back better, we have to help them,” he said. more

35 Comments on Biden Says He’ll Help Africa ‘Build Back Better’ in a Second Term

  1. “build back better”
    Anywhere BUT America.
    Admiral Ackbar, “It’s a trap!”.
    New money laundering scheme.
    This administration want to do for Africa, what the Clinton’s did for Haiti.

  2. There are already WAY MORE than a billion people in Africa. It is also NOT a homogeneous continent, but dozens of supposedly sovereign nations, some of which have their act together, so of which NEVER WILL. FJB.

  3. Historically there is zero hope for Africa short of colonization by people capable of organizing political and social entities larger than the local tribe or the agglomeration of tribes held together by the strong man.

    The locals don’t like this kind of thing much, understandably, but aren’t able to do better for themselves. Best bet would be a quarantine around the continent and let them do as they will.

  4. I had a friend who lived in Africa for many years. What people fail to realize is that black Africans are not homogenous, but split into numerous tribes and ethnicities – many of whom don’t like each other. In some instances, when European nations granted their colonies independence, boundaries were drawn which split some tribes and have caused considerable problems and wars. The bottom line is that European nations didn’t really understand Africa either.

    Too many people in the United States think of Africa as a country instead of a huge continent. It’s not – Egyptians are not Sudanese or Ethiopians or Zulu or Tutsi, etc. Even Liberia, established as a place for former American slaves, can be a mess.

    I can’t imagine a Biden administration doing anything other than making a complete and dangerous mess of things in trying to “build back better” in Africa.

  5. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.

    There is no necessary advantage to Africans to having a Western style of governmemt. The West was primarily interested in making “countries” so they’d have a point of contact when negotiating/stealing natural resources and for that matter land area for, “the surplus population,” as per Dickens, just a way to define the limits of their colonies against other colonial entities.

    It is an embarrassment of hubris to think that “our” various modes of governance and “modern inconveniences” are helping the people of that continent.

  6. Hell… not even Africans want to live in the filthy, rotten, run-down, shot-up, burned-out, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, Bum-piss-soaked, feces-friendly, Shit-Holes that Progressive/Socialist/Communist defecRATz built in this country!
    They’re happy, LEAVE THEM ALONE!

  7. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    WEDNESDAY, 5 JUNE 2024, 12:41 AT 12:41 PM
    “I had a friend who lived in Africa for many years. What people fail to realize is that black Africans are not homogenous, but split into numerous tribes and ethnicities – many of whom don’t like each other. ”

    …Cf. “Rwandan Genocide” for just one example…

    …no YT required.

    …and then look up what Black African Muslims do to Black African Christians.

    If youre prepared to be sick…

  8. Pretty certain this is democommie code speak for “Import 50 million low IQ African savages to red states”.

    They want us all terrorized and slaughtered by these demonic, low IQ homo erectus throwbacks. It’s as simple as that. Satan rules here.

  9. By all means, FJB, send us taxpayer’s money anywhere but here at home. When TF are Democrats / liberals ever going to do anything for the American people? Name one meaningful thing that’s been done for America since this administration has taken over. Just one! The American people are fed up.

  10. Cmn¢¢guy
    Great Idea !!! Send all the USA illegal invaders to Africa!! Think of all the business opportunities there !! Every one of our “asylum victims of poverty and oppression” could make a fortune….O, wait…someone else would have to make it for them…

  11. Great ideas above. But you know it all has to start with education. We can send all Ivy League school staff, all rainbow-haired wierdos from the school system, and anybody flying the flag of a foreign terrorist organization.

  12. Africa is still a failed craphole even after selling off all of their hated, useless and unwanted people, over four hundred years ago, by dumping them on the rest of the world!!

  13. @Wyatt: ” Even Liberia, established as a place for former American slaves, can be a mess.”

    I do have an idea of how we might make Liberia great again, and help the US as well. Massive repatriation.


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