Report: Hunter Biden Smoked Crack 15 Times a Day When He Illegally Bought a Gun – IOTW Report

Report: Hunter Biden Smoked Crack 15 Times a Day When He Illegally Bought a Gun

Salty Cracker has the story.

14 Comments on Report: Hunter Biden Smoked Crack 15 Times a Day When He Illegally Bought a Gun

  1. How can you smoke it all day long without possessing it?
    And possession of that amount is a felony, am I wrong?

    He’s not a hero, he’s not a victim, he’s a goddam CRIMINAL.
    These politicians ALL need to feel the HEAT that we’ve had enough of tolerating this BS from ANY of our ‘betters’.

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaannd whut level is he at now???
    I think he’s only limited by being so much in debt to his dealer/lawyer!
    He sure as Hell isn’t being limited by is jackass father!!

  3. Impeach Shitpants for rearing and abetting this lowlife criminal.

    And lying to the American People about what a great man is his POS progeny. This POS slept with his freshly widowed sister-in-law, receiving the blessing of Shitpants and DOCTOR Trashywhore.

  4. They dredged the sewer to place this shit in the WH Wednesday, 5 June 2024, 11:08 at 11:08 am

    “DOCTOR Trashywhore”

    Thanks! I needed that laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. And the skank wife of the dead brother would have us believe she was pure as the driven snow until she hooked up with Hunter. Yea right, and I’m Cleopatra Queen of the Nile. THe entire outfit is just filthy and disgusting low bred trash.

  6. @^^^Dredged,

    Everyone seems to forget that given Joe’s proclivities, the widow may have been “seconds” for Hunter. And like Shrillary, not saying Dr. Jill wasn’t in the middle of it too.

    Truth is, after all, stranger than fiction.


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