Parents Fight to Protect Their Kids from “Gender Identity” at School – IOTW Report

Parents Fight to Protect Their Kids from “Gender Identity” at School

The Federalist

Wisconsin’s Eau Claire Area School District’s so-called gender-identity policy is a big middle finger to the basic principles of parental rights. Now a group of parents is fighting back in a case testing the limits of public education power: whether school districts can keep secrets about the children they are educating. More

9 Comments on Parents Fight to Protect Their Kids from “Gender Identity” at School

  1. If there is a well-funded, well-organized effort to Fuck-Up the next generation, which is all this is, then Parents had better start fighting like the third monkey on the gangway to the Arc to save their children!!
    This Subversive Communist Shit Must Stop!

  2. Attorney Luke Berg:

    If parents cannot challenge them until after their children are harmed, they have no way to protect their kids other than pulling them from public school.

    Then for God’s sake, pull them from public school.

    It is mighty hard to tell the difference between sending your children to a govt school and child abuse.

  3. “a big middle finger to the basic principles of parental rights.”

    What these bureaucrats fail to realize is parents don’t get their parental rights from the government. You fuck with some fathers parental rights and harm their child and that fathers going right to the source of the problem. It’s inevitable. In fact I’m surprised it hasn’t already happened.

  4. Your children are not your children…They come through you, but they are not from you, and though they are with you, they belong not to you.

  5. The appellant judge said they lacked standing because the parents hadn’t shown harm or potential for harm. The judge has a serious misunderstanding of what “gender affirming” means to the victims.


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