“Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO  – IOTW Report

“Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO 


Dr. Thomas Binder made headlines after he was forced into a psychiatric hospital after speaking out against the dangerous and unnecessary globalist COVID narrative. Dr. Binder MD studied medicine at the University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, and has 35 years of clinical experience.

In February 2020, Thomas stood up for the return of real science, medicine and humanity. The result of his vocal opposition to the unscientific and irrational covid poilicies was to be arrested and referred for compulsory psyhiatric treatment.

Dr. Thomas Binder later told Dr. Drew last year that he was forcibly hospitalized – and required to take psychiatric medications – for speaking out against pandemic panic and the narrative surrounding COVID-19. more

15 Comments on “Enough Is Enough!” – Swiss Cardiologist Calls for the Abolishment of the WHO 

  1. I’m not advising anyone to do so but two can play at that game. no one file or pay federal income taxes until the U.S. federal government fesses up and admits to the truth. I mean the actual ones pulling the strings not Mr. poopie pants.

  2. “The only reasonable, 100% effective and safe prevention of another criminal pandemic is immediate smashing of the WHO into a thousand pieces.”

    Followed by Nuremberg style, very public hangings.

    Fauci first.

    But not last…

  3. Finally, an experienced, knowledgeable, Professional, immunology and virology specialist in internal medicine and cardiology, with 35 years of clinical experience, has the integrity to expose the World Health Organization and their unscientific edicts to world Nations.

    We need MORE US Specialists to speak out against the unscientific and irrational immunization policies of the WHO and US Government.


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