The Destroying Leftists – IOTW Report

The Destroying Leftists

It’s bad enough that “Miss” Maryland is married.

And Miss Maryland has had tons of plastic surgery and body modifications.

Miss Maryland is a man.

They must feel so forward and superior, crowning a man as the best woman in a competition.

Well, there’s one thing this “woman” will never do, and that is, ironically, “crown.”

You moms know what I’m sayin’.

19 Comments on The Destroying Leftists

  1. Maryland, the name of the place says it all if you have a social knowledge base greater than a bullfrog or crane fly’s. Maybe ‘Mz’ Maryland can hook up with the prize from Alabam and show us what real tolerance looks like.

    Straight to hell with the perverts and sickos. Eschew them. A dead guy from long ago said, to paraphrase, stay away from sicknesses, it is the beginning of disease to put healthy things in contact with the sick.

    The system that coerces these outcomes is a diseased branch of the original healthy culture.

  2. Men to women: “Anything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you, Yes I can”!!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  3. This is the type of shit that happens right before powerful societies fall into the abyss. In addition to the people who speak the truth about the freakshow presented before them are labeled as “spreading hate.”

  4. What the hell has happened to all the “Womens” groups. This is all a blatant attack on women in general. “Men make better women than actual women”. C’mon “ladies”…real ones I mean.

    That statement would get me more hate from both sides than men usurping women.

  5. After the party was over
    She took out her glass eye
    Put her false teeth in the water
    Hung up her wig to dry
    Stood her peg leg in the corner
    Hung her wax ear on the wall
    Not much wuz left of her at all
    Now I’m just an old hick
    But the last, final straw wuz
    when she unscrewed her dick!

  6. He’s got nicer breasts than 99.9% of men.
    But they are out of place on him.

    I’m doing my best to be positive toward mentally ill perverts hoping they’ll stop with all the BS. It ain’t working.

  7. what is the message here? to see women as men? the people behind this need mental help. I have no other suggestions, but get some mental help. too bad our psych experts have been silenced, so many people could benefit right now.

  8. I am shocked to read that IT married a man. What in the hell is wrong with him that he wants that fake woman?! Is he a poofter?! What the hell is wrong with people now?!!

  9. “I am shocked to read that IT married a man.”

    That didn’t shock me. The fact that they’re both in the military did. I imagine the defense budget payed for all of it’s surgeries.

  10. Despite what “Suffs” propagates, women are not arbiters of change…men are the ones who determine how a society is defined.

    A reminder: Liberal men in Congress passed the 19th Amendment. Not just because women weren’t allowed in Congress to determine their own political fate, liberal men decided to fracture the nuclear family for more control over…society.

    Note: Feminism was the perfect Marxist vehicle to create the sick social distortions like transgenderism, a result of passing the 19th Amendment without conditions that supports the nuclear family and other Godly principles.

    Women by nature are not effective in cultural change. That’s why they don’t take the initiative to stop the insanity of men in sports and beauty pageants. It’s “go along to get along” while men who really control these policies permitting freaks to run amok – spoiling women’s competative events.

    Things won’t change for the better until men in charge stop having a sin-stricken First Man Adam complex and adopt a Christ-centered authority. Women will follow…as God designed.


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