Look What the Left Has Done To the Minds of Youth – IOTW Report

Look What the Left Has Done To the Minds of Youth

Where does this entitlement come from? Where does this stupidity come from? Where does this lack of responsibility for one’s actions come from? Where does this faulty logic and lack of reality come from?

It would only get worse after she went to college.

35 Comments on Look What the Left Has Done To the Minds of Youth

  1. @BFH —
    Q: Where does this entitlement come from?
    A: govt school attendance, bad parenting, and Sunday school truancy

    Q: Where does this stupidity come from?
    A: govt school attendance, bad parenting, and Sunday school truancy

    Q: Where does this lack of responsibility for one’s actions come from?
    A: govt school attendance, bad parenting, and Sunday school truancy

    Q: Where does this faulty logic and lack of reality come from?
    A: govt school attendance, bad parenting, and Sunday school truancy

    It would only get worse after she went to college.
    Alas, yes it would.

  2. Her going to college would just be shoveling heaps,of cash into a burn barrel. It would do her as much good as it wood a Komodo dragon. She has a substandard intellect. She can’t be helped. She’s been made into a criminal moron. It’s sad but she can’t be helped. She’s a permanent degenerate. She’s as useful to society as a dead rat in a tampon factory. Very sad but if a decent society is to,survive people like must be removed. It’s us or them.

  3. I know a regional manager for Safeway and he told me they closed a store in a “certain neighborhood” wink-wink due to theft. He said they factor approximately 17% for shoplifting and this particular store was at 35%.

    I guess the nearest store should take notice.

  4. Yeah.
    That’s college material.
    Actually these days it is!

    Where does this entitlement come from?
    Simply put, the agenda of the LEFT!
    They are and have been Hell-bent on destroying the next generation so that they can’t think straight and logical, but are encouraged to be functional idiots in Society and when confronting the police… who enforce the laws of Society. Needless to say this is part of breaking down Society!

  5. @Wild Bill — Up to a certain point, being arrested is still a discretionary matter decided by the sworn officer. But, have you ever heard of somebody being UNarrested? Me neither. Once you hear “You are under arrest” that’s an unalterable condition.

  6. The young people I meet have their shit together. It’s a predominantly white upper in come area. And the ones I meet I meet in the gym so they’re already doing something positive for themselves. The seniors just graduated. I asked about ten or twelve I know what’s next. The majority of them said they weren’t sure. Any major university is a waist of time and money. Most also said their parents were involved in the decision making process. So there is hope. These same kids where a lot of FJB attire to the gym.

  7. I mostly agree with Lylelovett666. Universities graduate anyone who can get in the door these days, so keeping this bitless witch from getting a “degree” will hopefully prevent her from entering a “profession” where she could do real harm.

  8. I lost track of all the misspelled words (easy ones too) in the above posts. This foolish girl may not be college material but neither, I dare say, are many of the posters.

  9. In case you’re wondering.

    She hits a cop
    Wrestles with them on the floor
    Loses her wig
    Acts like a 4 year old
    Refuses to comply in any aspect
    Uses her weight to ground her to the floor
    Demands to call her mommy while crying like a 4 year old
    Argues more about her initial charge claiming she can still pay
    Cops cave and give her wig back so she will walk out in public
    Stops talking and pouts like a 4 yr old
    Lies about her identity

    The chick in the gray with her face blurred was her accomplice.


  10. I watch a lot of these videos on YouTube and her behavior is by no means unusual. The entitlement these young people display is off the charts. You can do a Bingo card on the excuses used by DUI arrestees also.
    I ony had one drink.
    I live right across the street.
    I know my rights.
    You are not allowed to touch me.
    I can’t breathe.
    I’m pregnant (used by women, mostly).

    Here is one of the worst cases I have ever seen.

  11. “Brad” sounds like a groomer profile.

    So where do you go to school?

    So you enjoy older men you pontificate about themselves and have HORRIBLE grammar?

    My parents would like you out of the basement by 10 PM. Is that ok?

  12. Hey, Anonymous grabbed a name: Brad’s Parents.

    Next tough decision for Anonymous tonight is whether will be sodomizer or sodomizee.

    Squeal like a pig, faggot.

  13. Libtards have no boundaries. That’s why will not feel one ounce of remorse when the inevitable happens. They don’t belong on our planet.

    It’s saving me a ton of money living rent free though.

  14. “We’re trying to help you actually.” Not really – anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. STFU until you have a lawyer.

  15. @ECP
    I watched the complete video of her antics. All I could think of was what would happen if the brass button on her pants broke loose. I’m thinking it would have shot through the ceiling of the building and be halfway to Pluto by now.


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