Longtime iOTWer Needs the Community – IOTW Report

Longtime iOTWer Needs the Community

SNS spotted this in the comments.

52 Comments on Longtime iOTWer Needs the Community

  1. Geni,
    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I will say a prayer for you.
    Reach out to the iOTWreport community if you need support and we will help where we can.

  2. BTDT, 13 years ago. It’s hard, and the adjustment is slow in coming. Remember. your relationship was not that last small bit of time. If those times at the last start to weigh heavily, remind yourself of those earlier times. You’ll be in my thoughts.

  3. “19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

    20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
    Matthew 18:19-20

    I think we will have no trouble finding two or three to gather here to lift you up in prayer, Geni. May He hear the prayers of this community to grant you the peace of God in your time of need.

    God bless,

    Thank you for posting this, BFH. Prayers have always set this site apart, and its good to be able to share blessings in this community to remind us that no matter the troubles of the world, no matter what may befall us personally, we know that here we can be lifted up to the one God that is greater.

  4. definitely feel for you Geni, my dad is going through this now, been about two months since my stepmom passed. it’s ups and downs, lean on your family and friends, even those here who are ‘virtual’, it helps.

  5. This too shall pass; I have been a widower for 11 + years and it’s not easy to lose a spouse. God will be with you and comfort you in your time of grief, this I know, and it takes a while to heal but God is always with you and provide for your every need. May God bless you and keep you during this time of sorrow and grief. CS Lewis’s short book A Grief Observed after his wife died from cancer helped me in my time of grief just as I believe it can help you as well.

  6. Geni, sorry for your loss. It can’t be easy, but frankly I think you have tapped into one of the best support groups around! Keep on keeping on and it will get more manageable every day and keep up the good work for yourself and those around you! You’ll get there!

  7. God bless and keep you Geni. For what it’s worth an absolute stranger performed an astonishing act of kindness on me today that lifted my hope for humanity. It’s still around us.

  8. Geni,
    Our prayers are with you and your family, may the Lord bring you peace, guidence and comfort during this time of loss.
    2Co_5:8  We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

  9. Geni, I told my Dad about what you posted and He already knew what you were going through. He said not to worry because even when it seems like He isn’t, HE IS always there holding on to you working things together for your good!

  10. My prayers go out to you .. and here’s a cope for you from a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, Victor Frankl.

    Imagine the pain your husband would have suffered had you passed first. I have now seen a few of these situations and it is considerable. Then realize that he was SPARED this pain because you survived him, as is the case with most wives. And whenever these feelings hit, then offer a prayer of thanks to the Lord that your husband never felt this sorrow

  11. May our most merciful Lord bless you and keep you safe Geni.

    You are in our prayers and thoughts dear friend.

    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. ~ Matthew 5:4

  12. I too was widowed [at 40] and my despair was ferp and dark. You will survive, however. One way that helped me was I erased al the stuff around the illness and death and focused on all of the remarkable things my hubby was. There never existed a motor he couldn’t fix. He simply looked at plants and they seemed to show their gratitude for his attention by growing larger. He could communicate with animals as if he were one of them. And one could not find a better friend, even if you were wrong, he stood right next to you almost daring anyone to FAFO. If you had someone like that, you’ll be fine because that stuff rubs off.

  13. Miz Geni, I offer my sincere condolences in your time of loss and pain. My our good Lord keep you in his Grace. As a life long bachelor, I know not the loss of a spouse however, my beloved sister died at 33 years of age and it took me a while to recover from her passing. But…. I did recover. I believe that you will also. Your fond memories will out weigh those of grief. Bless you and may you find peace.

  14. I’m sorry for your loss Geni. Reach out to iOTW anytime for a shoulder and for friendship. Sending you a big (((hug))) from across the miles. 💐❤️

  15. Dearest Geni, I was also widowed (a long time ago). Having trod that dark path, I’ll simply say that their will be a lot of adjustments for you at a time when you are least able to deal with a lot of adjustments. A lot of people — friends and family — will advise you not to make any big decisions for a while; this sage advice comes when it seems like all your decisions are big ones.

    God is with you in this, Geni. He’ll know what, how, why, and when. It’s an indescribable shock to lose a cherished spouse, whether their passing was sudden or by a lengthy illness. The prayers of all of us here are heard by our Father in Heaven.

    Love & Hugs,

  16. My thoughts and prayers are with you! Pray to God every day for strength and support. God Bless and know God is with you. We will all pray for you. So important!

  17. Praying for the peace of God to comfort you. My condolences on your loss. May your memories sustain you through this difficult time.
    Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

  18. Geni, please accept my condolences. God is with you. Christ gave this word to His disciples, but it applies to all of us who know Him.

    John 14:27
    “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
    Trust God through your pain and sadness. Geni, God loves you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. God will restore you. Praying you know His peace and comfort during this time and always.

  19. Geni,
    it’s so great…..
    And yet I will stand it.
    Had I not love so much
    I would not hurt so much.
    But goodness knows I would not
    want to diminish that precious love
    by one fraction of an ounce.
    I will hurt,
    and I will be grateful to the hurt
    four it bears witness to
    the depth of our meaning
    and for that I will be
    eternally grateful

  20. Dearest Friends, Thank you all so very much for all your kindness, prayers , love and support . I am overwhelmed with gratitude. This is indeed a site set apart from others as SNS stated and many thanks to BigFurHat as well. Although my Hubby had no interest in social media or computers at all sometimes he’d keep me company while I’d share what someone wrote at iOTW . My Hubby was a third order secular Franciscan. He wore a TAU cross and swore to live and Love the Gospel. And he did . His best friend told me that he didn’t have a mean bone in his body. He was very much like A.C.’s Husband with the exception of motors . He loved plants and animals ,too and if a neighbor admired one of our roses he would take a cutting or two and stick it in the ground and a few weeks later there were new leaves, then roses growing on their own roots. I will take AC’s advice , gladly.
    Zonga is my sister from way back . I am a Catholic and she is Orthodox yet we love each other. I am happy that she has her husband to have and too hold. I love that the Orthodox have something called Holy Fire in Jerusalem. It’s not magic, it’s Supernatural.
    Abigail Adams , thank for the love and hugs – it means a lot because you’ve been where I am now.

  21. I feel so bad that I don’t have the talent to thank you all individually (and I’m hungry and I’d better feed myself before I flop) But you dear friends who stopped by with prayers and encouragement for me are the very same people that I like to read here . Oh boy do I have good taste , or what ?


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