NY Post Strikes Again – IOTW Report

NY Post Strikes Again

15 Comments on NY Post Strikes Again

  1. Wanderer In Chief
    Pedo In Chief
    Sniffer In Chief
    Titty Twister In Chief
    Pedo In Chief
    10% For The Big Guy In Chief
    Ukraine Money Launderer In Chief
    Ally Backstabber In Chief
    Open Border In Chief
    Stolen Election In Chief

  2. Oh my. I left out a lot of Biden “In Chiefs.”

    Vaccinator In Chief
    Inflation Monger In Chief
    Constitution Killer In Chief
    Capital Gains Taxer In Chief
    Wokester In Chief
    Oil Reserve Depleter In Chief
    Armed Forces Ordinance Eliminator In Chief
    Student Debt Forgiver In Chief
    FED Booster In Chief
    Donald Trump Crime Fabricator In Chief
    Bush/Obama/Clinton Jail Eliminator In Chief
    Chinese Pigeon In Chief
    Israel Betrayor In Chief

    (There are more, but I grow weary…)

  3. Nastier than a peeing pullet.
    More pitiful than a woke emoji.
    Unable to leap anything in I don’t care how many bounds.

    Look, up in the sky!
    It’s a turd!
    It’s a stain!

  4. Joe Biden:

    Well I’m the type of guy that likes to roam around
    I’m never in one place, I roam around and around…

    I’m a wanderer, I’m a wanderer, I go from place to place to place to place…

    I go through life without a care
    I’m as happy as a clown

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