Texas Man Rescued After Trying Most Dangerous Rapid In River On “Walmart Raft” – IOTW Report

Texas Man Rescued After Trying Most Dangerous Rapid In River On “Walmart Raft”

Cowboy State Daily

Luckily for a young man from West Texas, an expert kayaker from Cody and his friends were in the right place at the right time after the man’s raft flipped on one the Shoshone River’s worst section of rapids called the “Iron Curtain.”

“They ran the biggest rapid on the river during the highest water in a Walmart raft,” Kevin Kennedy told Cowboy State Daily on Monday.

Or rather, the young Texan and two friends attempted that foolhardy feat Sunday afternoon but their raft flipped, throwing them into the raging waters. more

12 Comments on Texas Man Rescued After Trying Most Dangerous Rapid In River On “Walmart Raft”

  1. Darwin almost got some foolish Walmartians in a more than likely cheap Chinese rubber raft. They’re just lucky that there were some experienced kayakers from Montana nearby to save them. Don’t buy any sporting goods from Wally World ever or you’ll be sorry. And it also pays not to be idiots on a raging river.

  2. Too bad the kayakers were there. The gene pool is in dire need of a good cleaning, and those three Walmartians are just dirtying up the pool.

  3. Have done a lot of daring things in my long life. Never anything requiring rescue.
    Was a member of a rescue squad, fire, marine and forest. Rescued some kids from Runaway Nigger Creek.
    It’s not named that anymore, lol.

  4. Funny, I get a grin out of reading it, 19 years old, coming off the ranch, trying out something stupid… well, not everything you want to try is smart at 19 now is it?


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