Schumer cancels vote on controversial Biden judicial nominee – IOTW Report

Schumer cancels vote on controversial Biden judicial nominee


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Tuesday canceled a confirmation vote for a controversial federal judge nominated by President Joe Biden.

Democrats appeared not to have the votes to confirm Mustafa Taher Kasubhai to be a federal judge for the District of Oregon amid Republican opposition to his views on race, diversity, and gender. more here

14 Comments on Schumer cancels vote on controversial Biden judicial nominee

  1. “It was not clear when Schumer would revisit the nomination, though he could try again on Thursday when attendance is expected to be spotty…”

    That smarmy, rat-faced, self-loathing Jew will do whatever it takes to get this Muslim piece of shit on the bench.

  2. Tony R
    THURSDAY, 20 JUNE 2024, 14:33 AT 2:33 PM

    “That smarmy, rat-faced, self-loathing Jew will do whatever it takes to get this Muslim piece of shit on the bench.”

    …if Judaism actually MEANT anything to him, he would NEVER let himself be photographed even PRETENDING to make a food as unlawful as a “cheeseburger”, a Kosher crime so bad the grill would need to be destroyed…

    …Chuckie is as Jewish as Pedo is Catholic.

    Or Barry Soetoro is Christian…

  3. Jews like Schumer are a disease for everyone, not just the Jewish population, or I should say American Jews.

    I bet Mustafa (Master) would roast Schumer alive if he had the opportunity.


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