Charges Dropped For the Vast Majority of Palestinian Occupiers at Columbia – IOTW Report

Charges Dropped For the Vast Majority of Palestinian Occupiers at Columbia


Two-thirds of the pro-Palestinian protesters arrested over the occupation of Columbia’s Hamilton Hall on April 30 saw their charges dropped by New York prosecutors on Thursday. The move applies to 31 of the 46 students and staff who were arrested and hit with the misdemeanor charge of trespass in the third degree. The standout details:

  • Why: The Manhattan DA’s office cited “prosecutorial discretion and lack of evidence” in connection with the move, saying there was “extremely limited” surveillance video because “certain defendants” immediately covered the cameras, per CNN. Those who did so have not been identified, and the video that does exist “fails to establish or prove” the 31 people damaged any university property.

5 Comments on Charges Dropped For the Vast Majority of Palestinian Occupiers at Columbia

  1. They don’t care any more that they obviously have an agenda.
    They still stand there and lie.
    Cowards, propagandists, liars, tyrants.
    Just like the Russians (Soviets) they love to whine about.
    Dirty Dems only “win” by cheating

  2. So in NY all you have to do to get away with a crime is cover the security cameras once you are inside? So you could walk into a store, cover the security cameras, shoot the shop owner, steal the merchandise, but because you covered the cameras there would be insufficient evidence you committed the crime?

    That’s as bad as Garland saying the DOJ doesn’t investigate crimes against pro-life clinics and churches because those crimes happen at night when it’s dark.

  3. Racer X: i gues you could look at it one of two ways:

    1. Covering the camera worked for the ATF.

    2. Committing crime is acceptable as long as you do it for a leftist case.

    Then again, number 2 also applies to the ATF.

    Is the power normally cut when doing no-knock raids? I guess the lesson is that when there is a Democrat President, your chances of getting murdered by the Federal Government go up exponentially.


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