Cagey Trump Says His Veep Pick Will Be at the Debate on Thursday – IOTW Report

Cagey Trump Says His Veep Pick Will Be at the Debate on Thursday

Everyone thinks he will reveal his pick on Thursday because he said they will be at the debate.

Look for multiple “possibles” to be at the debate.

Trump is tricky that way.

12 Comments on Cagey Trump Says His Veep Pick Will Be at the Debate on Thursday

  1. ^. Oh, I forgot. You’re for the guy who wants open borders, a welfare state, lower standards for testing, a lower bar for criminality, illegals to vote, tent cities, feces in the streets, the sexualization of kids, electric cars (because electricity is clean LOLOOOL), men to have women status, late-term abortion, unarmed citizens, removal of meritocracy in favor of skin color… what am I forgetting, fucknutz?

  2. “… what am I forgetting, fucknutz?” -BFH

    I don’t think Fucknutz can deal with your list and you haven’t even touched Federal debt, deficit spending, inflation, foreign policy, the FED, State’s rights, our corrupt judiciary, corruption in Congress or dogs living with cats and mass hysteria! 🤣


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