Trump’s ‘No Tax on Tips’ Movement Is Growing – IOTW Report

Trump’s ‘No Tax on Tips’ Movement Is Growing


Former President Donald Trump touted a new policy plan he would enact if elected as the next President of the United States: no tax on tips for restaurant workers, hospitality workers, and anybody else who receives tips.

Trump announced the new policy plan during a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

This is the first time I’ve said this and for those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy, because when I get to office we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people making tips … It’s been a point of contention for years and years and years, and you do a great job of service, you take care of people, and I think it’s going to be something that really is deserved.

Not only is this a good marketing strategy and policy plan for Trump, but he will also trap the Democrats and dare them to oppose this idea, which could turn restaurant and hotel employees, among others who receive tips, into Trump supporters. more here

9 Comments on Trump’s ‘No Tax on Tips’ Movement Is Growing

  1. All we ever hear is pandering. Why is anyone’s income being stolen by the government? And even the idea of replacing taxes with tariffs NEVER includes WHY we need all the money the government is stealing. It’s like the so-called “Fair Tax” from a couple of decades ago. Their goal was “revenue neutral” while never discussing the fact that government should NEVER be given even 1/10 as much as they are stealing, regardless ofvthe source.

  2. “WHY we need all the money the government is stealing” (?)

    Put another way…

    Why do 50% of American citizens work for some level of government? Most produce nothing.

  3. I hope President Trump follows the Harding/Coolidge approach and slashes government bureaucracies and spending, and implements 100% tariffs on oil and anything related to cheap chinese goods (including anything from other countries that use chinese materials or components).
    Hell – I would retire early and join the slashing team! I’m only a 1/2 hour drive from SSA and FDA headquarters.

  4. @General – Government produces nothing monetary by definition, and currently they’re not doing their job of protecting the ones that are actually productive.


  5. I agree with everything you are saying. No taxes, no spending.

    Slash government employment by 1/2, the slash it again by 1/2. Keep at it until it’s bare bones.

    But until that is done, these little steps are necessary. First, no tax on tips. Next, NO PROPERTY TAX.


  6. Before income taxes, the government earned money thru import-export taxes.
    Thanks to the bafoons who voted for Roosevelt we have an income tax. My great aunt said they all voted for the income tax because the government promised that the tax would never exceed 5 percent. Lets go back before the income tax was created and let us spend our own money instead of the government spending it for us.

  7. Education Dept returned to states?
    I hope so! The kids don’t know how to draw their letters
    and need some cursive instruction so their signatures can be checked–
    no more of this everyone gets free meals lunchables and poptarts on regular basis are not good nutrition! Put TTCs in schools! Also need to learn to count points on numerals then memorize times tables no more of this AR book tests on chromebooks and reading my two Mommies crap

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