Tough Guy on Social Media Threatens Killing People if Trump Wins – IOTW Report

Tough Guy on Social Media Threatens Killing People if Trump Wins

This moron believes Trump “takes rights away.”

He doesn’t deserve to share our air, he is so dumb.

40 Comments on Tough Guy on Social Media Threatens Killing People if Trump Wins

  1. “…..Because people will die.”
    And I can guar-an-damn-tee you, that you’ll be the first if you come to attack me and mine. “And mine” cuts a fairly wide swath, to include family, friends and neighbors.
    So bring it, if ya think ya got any hair on yer balls.
    Otherwise, slink back to mommy’s basement and have her heat ya up some more hot pockets. Or are you more the orange fingers Cheetos chips kind, with a side of Diet soda?

  2. If they throw Trump in jail he won’t need to wait. But those tats and that beard are scary stuff. Fuck off asshole. Imagine this guy clean shaven and no tats. Wearing a pink dress.

  3. he is just pissed cause mom sent him to his room. check the hot wheel collection in the background. grown boy with no friends to play with, and cannot figure why. sad.

  4. I have been careful to avoid any direct action type comments. First, because who the hell are you all tough and butchyish on the screen with your wavy gray face fur and your do rag-ish??? And your lip. Hard words into the screen Pedro, hard words into the screen butchy boy. Maybe even real or maybe not. Like a fart in the wind, they’re momentarily annoying and quickly vanished. So make your threats into the ether butch, and remember, flesh isn’t hard at all… and your words are just vibrations in air.

  5. My old self would say bring it dude. Anyone who has to brag or threaten others is demonstrating the universal precepts of absolute cowardice. This is the main reason that the resident of the WH is such a obnoxious blowhard.

    Both of these cowards are coming from a deep place inside their bitter vile souls that reflects their self loathing at their own weakness and manifest insecurity.

    The new me will simply pray for the jeopardy their mortal cowardly mouths present to their immortal souls. Doubt it will matter but it is our hardest Christian duty to pray for our enemies…

  6. 10 seconds in and he’s a transparent, big mouth pussy.
    He’s found his “tough identity” in his beard, tattoos and perfectly placed head band.
    Liberals are all actors.
    This guy is as breakable as that stupid stained glass shoulder tattoo.


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