Any New Parents Want To Try This? – IOTW Report

Any New Parents Want To Try This?

25 Comments on Any New Parents Want To Try This?

  1. I could have used this info 45-50 years ago. On several occasions I had to load the screaming baby up in the pickup and go drive around town at 3 in the morning until he fell asleep.

  2. I agree. If it works and isn’t harmful, it’s worth a try.

    With my first son, I would lightly blow on his face if he was still crying after cleaning him up, putting a fresh diaper on and feeding him.

    It had the same result as this bong.

  3. There was an episode of “House” with a screaming, crying little brat and somebody screamed at him “Stop It” and he did. House asked him how that worked, and the guy replied “You’ve got to make them believe you’d really hurt them”

  4. Lo, too many decades ago, when I was stationed in Germany and the children were fussy, I’d load one into the baby carriage and take them for a ride on the U-Bahn (subway). IIRC, the U-Bahn was open 24/7. Between the low rumble and the rocking movement, they soon went to sleep.

  5. understandable

    I’ve wondered what the effect of ultra sound is on babies in the womb. Especially when the practitioner says: ‘your baby is sleeping, lets use the buzzer and wake them up.’ Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if that causes autism and all the other ‘spectrum’ stuff.
    just my consideration, but you heard it here first.

  6. Do you take a melatonin supplement to sleep….
    and are you having memory (short to long term) problems….????

    Are short/long term memories a glandular thing….
    that’s influenced by set levels of melatonin….????

    It’s worth looking into….


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