Update – The Power of Prayer – IOTW Report

Update – The Power of Prayer

Here is the update-

In February of this year, I reached out to my friends on IOTW, asking for prayers.

My grand-nephew was born on February 19th at 22 weeks, weighing just 14 ounces. It did not look good at all.

I saw all of the prayers that were posted, and I know there were many more that were said.

I am happy to report that my nephew and his wife were able to take their baby home last weekend! He seems to be doing great and has basically developed into where he should be at this age; he just did way too much of it outside of his momma!

I, and my family, will never be able to thank all of you enough for the prayers and thoughts.  I know 100% that it helped get him to where he is, and that is home with his mom and dad.

The power of prayer is truly amazing.  May god bless all of you for your help.

18 Comments on Update – The Power of Prayer

  1. Thank you for this praise report. Its always good to hear that even now He still moves and that His Hand is recognized in the miracle. Not to any of us or all of us, but to Him be the glory always, amen.

    God Bless,

  2. Praise the Holy Trinity and the mercy of Our Blessed Mother who as Queen of Heaven loves all children. There is such a thin veil between the spiritual and this evil world and prayer is one way in which we demonstrate our faith regardless of our religious perspective. Prayer bridges that veil and surrounds the innocent.

    May his mercy upon this beautiful child be an inspiration to us all.

  3. I did not have time to address this earlier, but as a parent of a child that needed medical intervention after being born as well as being the grand uncle of a child born to special needs, I know somewhat of the difficulty, anxiety, and fear that comes with the delivery. and my heart goes out to this child’s parents and grandparents and all who love him on that score too, and would suggest that they need covered in prayer as well, as they may have many anxious days yet ahead in which they need to know the Lord is in charge.

    Lord, we thank You and praise You for the miracles You have already wrought in this childs life, and though we are not worthy we ask on the behalf of all who love them that You hold his parents in Your arms, touch them that they have the wisdom to make all the right decisions, guide them to only the best of care, and comfort their hearts on those nights they may worry that this child in in the care of the Ultimate Physician in You, and that there is no outcome that will take this child from Your hand, and that You will continue to strengthen him in body and that their faith in You will be rewarded in him.

    It is in You that we have this hope, trusting, praying, and antcipating Your move in Your Glory and Your Mercy we pray,


    God Bless,

  4. It is awesome to see the Power of God show us that He’s still with us! Not that I believe we have been abandoned, but sometimes life throws some heavy hits.

    Along with the state of this country, and of the world, sometimes doubts grow.

    I pray the best for your grand-nephew, his parents, you and your family.

    May The Lord be with you, and with all of us at IOTW!


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