Kasie Hunt Gets Roasted – IOTW Report

Kasie Hunt Gets Roasted

CNN anchor Kasie Hunt threw an absolute fit and ended her interview with Trump’s press secretary, Karoline Leavitt.

18 Comments on Kasie Hunt Gets Roasted

  1. If Biden’s drugs don’t take hold, how they going to cancel this shit show? CNN is apparently trying to gag Trump before the debate. Which makes no sense to me, but that’s what is being reported.
    It would be pretty comical if Trump were a no show. CNN would be all dressed up and no one to blow.

  2. It is going to get worse, far worse. These idiots are now aware that the vast majority are no longer buying what they are selling. One man, and only one man has the balls to have pressed the attack home and was uniquely positioned to put the left on defense in 2015 and then stick with it through a stolen election and come back on the offensive right where he left off despite them throwing the kitchen sink at him. They are backed into a corner and can’t seem to get their mind around the fact that they are being deliberately and systematically baited into the kind of pettiness we see on display here.

    Their arrogance and narcissism is being exploited by a master of trolling those who believe their own hype.

  3. OK. How in the F does Trump keep hiring these hotter than hell professional women that are sharper than hell? Shit I’m still trying to recover from Alina Habba. What the F?

  4. Hunt danced all over Leavitt’s fake claims, then tossed her to the curb.
    Word is some are saying Trump will cancel the debate at the last minute. Chicken & cluck out. Might happen if his sentencing of up 174 years 🤞 takes place tomorrow. Hillary says, Lock him up.

  5. Karoline Leavitt can always say, in truth, that she’s smarter, younger, and prettier than the CNN flea-brain that tossed her out of the interview for daring to bring up CNNs bias.

  6. Probably a preview of the upcoming “debate”. Biden will spout lie after lie about his record, and CNN will cut Trump’s mike when he attemps to refute them.


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