Progressive Women are the Dumbest and Most Dangerous – IOTW Report

Progressive Women are the Dumbest and Most Dangerous

27 Comments on Progressive Women are the Dumbest and Most Dangerous

  1. Speaking of cunts…
    A not-so fun fact:
    The CNN moderator Dana Bash’s ex-husband was one of the 51 “Ex-Intel Officials” that signed off on the document claiming the Hunter biden* laptop was a Russian disinformation campaign.
    Seriously, you can’t make this shit up…
    Ceespool of fucking rat bastards!

  2. Virtue signaling, bubble headed tagalongs whose prime motivation is to be in with the in crowd. We see it manifest daily, soon as the progressive movement’s propaganda arm releases today’s talking points they are armed and ready to engage in one way enlightenment of the benighted in order that they impress others their bonafides. No matter if it is diametrically opposed to what they went to bed committed to or not, they need to impress on others that they are up to date on the current thing de’jour and down for the struggle as soon as they wake up.

    So long as they are focused on impressing the world they are… .. . Yup, ultimately committed to pleasing their Dark Prince. Straight up Satanists.

    What the morons can’t get through their thick skulls is that the world they are trying to not only fit into, but prove they are among the most enlightened, is a made up world that is conceived by elites, then scripted and choreographed before being fed to them by the progressive propaganda machine in entertainment and the media. What true Christian people recognize and resent as being shoved down the throats of people who have the discernment to recognize as manipulation, they lap up. To do otherwise would displease their master and that is like Kriptonite to them.

    Should we have sympathy for them? Well, if it were not for their continual and everlasting attempts to force others, perhaps that would be the Christian thing to do. But, as it stands, pity is the best I have to offer and it’s hard enough to despise them without actually hating them and wishing them deeper into the hell they have made for themselves.

  3. The only reason they are the least bit dangerous is that too many good and decent people have been cowed or coerced into conceding them being mistaken, but well intended to individuals who are motivated by wicked and evil intent. There is nothing novel or unknown regarding where their prescriptions for bettering the human condition lead. It’s all been tried and every single time has lead to massively increased innocent human suffering, misery and death. Every last time without fail. No one can look at the results and legitimately claim otherwise and then make the case for doing the same thing and expecting a different result. It just doesn’t fly. To concede good intentions is to willingly and knowingly enable evil actions and that is another way of saying to be complicit.

  4. Dumbest and most dangerous?
    You are clearly a nicer person than me. I have other words to describe them, but I usually don’t like using such language in public.
    I’ll just say, they are the most damaged part of society and the core of the “democratic” party.
    No wonder they keep sinking to a new low, every day.

  5. You can tell by the expression on her face, her tiny brain, like a marble ricocheted inside her cranium when she tried to “think” of a response to that great question. It exposed the indoctrinated leftist narrative she used.

    The left keep putting these evil and stupid women in positions of authority. They are easy to manipulate and that makes them very dangerous.


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