Debate Open Thread – IOTW Report

Debate Open Thread

266 Comments on Debate Open Thread

  1. Brilliant call into Chris Plante show. this morning. Trump should start off the debate by listing the names of the women and little girls murdered by Biden’s illegal aliens and ask for a minute of silence

  2. President Trump should borrow from Shakespeare;

    “What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word,
    As I hate hell, all Democrats, and thee:
    Have at thee, Pedo!”

    – apologies to William Shakespeare

  3. PHenry
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 20:44 AT 8:44 PM
    “Brilliant call into Chris Plante show. this morning. Trump should start off the debate by listing the names of the women and little girls murdered by Biden’s illegal aliens and ask for a minute of silence”

    …and then do the same with all the children Pedo has openly molested and reportedly raped, starting with Ashley.

  4. @PHenry – not only is it 3 on 1, they put a 90-second delay in so they can bleep anything Trump says.
    And they are allowing only 2 people from each campaign in the room. They are setting it up to control what we see.

  5. Left Coast Dan
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 20:50 AT 8:50 PM

    “And they are allowing only 2 people from each campaign in the room.”

    …will there be a reported water pipe break somewhere in the building 2 minutes in, so the Republicans have to leave?

    Or did they give Jamaal Bowman a new gig and have him standing next to a fire alarm pull station in case Pedo’s head goes pear shaped?

  6. Which Old Joe Biden will show up for the debate? The demoniac Satanic black-eyed puppet or the drugged up, wide eyed “get off my lawn” ranting loon or sleepy, slurred speech zombie. We’ll find out soon.

  7. He’s on speed, but his fast speech saw his slurring his words. The left will say that he was just in a hurry to finish within the time.

    Maybe all those drugs has caused his sore throat.

  8. Wow. I’m not watching any more, just wanted to see how Joek looks. And he does not look stable. And he’s repeating the same lies – and Trump is calling him on them. So far (I just saw a minute) Tapper is letting Trump speak.
    And I’m out. I’ll catch up in the morning.

  9. Holy cats on fire!! He’s even worse than I hoped!!

    Please, please, just keep talking you ridiculous man, Joe.

    (Dana Bash just interrupted Biden with “Thank You” before — I do believe — old Joe finished speaking. Is “Thank you” from a moderator Joe’s signal to stop talking?)

  10. President Trump just flipped a Pedo abortion claim BACK on Pedo by pointing out her rapist/murderer was let in by Pedo!

    …and MAN, does Pedo look like the demons are screeching inside his head!

  11. It’s early, but Trump is sizing this guy up and playing him perfectly. Look for him to get aggressive in about 20 minutes. Joe’s gone. The lights are on, nobodies home. If he doesn’t die on stage he’ll die in a couple days.

  12. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever witnessed in my 65 years.

    CNN is crapping their pants realizing they can’t spin what’s taking place.
    I’m waiting for a national power outage to halt the damage.😂

  13. …Really, Im just watching like a NASCAR fan watches for the wrecks or an NHL fan watches hockey for the fights.

    Ive had many stroke patients but I never got to see the moment one blew out. Might be educational!

  14. Nco77
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 21:29 AT 9:29 PM
    “anyone else think that when they come back from the break it will be a different person portraying Biden? this one sucks”

    …watch the ballsack chin…

  15. Nco77
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 21:29 AT 9:29 PM
    “anyone else think that when they come back from the break it will be a different person portraying Biden? this one sucks”

    …and the wincing left eye..

  16. if anyone had any doubts as to bidens ability to continue as president, Joe has made it perfectly clear he is totally unqualified for the position. he is a total train wreck.

  17. …it was kinda fun that, right after President Trump pointed out that his polls and donations went up after “the verdict” because everyone KNEW it was a political prosecution, PEDO STARTS TO GLOAT ABOUT POLITICAL PROSECUTIONS TO COME…

  18. Different Tim
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 21:52 AT 9:52 PM
    “The new dem candidate has a little over 4 months to rig an election.

    That’s gonna be exhausting.”

    Nah. The “election” is pre-rigged. Dominion will throw it to the “D” regardless of any other character string on the electronic ballot…

  19. …to President Trump’s point about “immigrants” taking Black jobs, we DO have more African Blacks at the places I work than there are American Blacks, and thats BEFORE you get to the Hispanics and Asians…

  20. Checked my email during the break and saw a little video from the Orioles game last night at Camden Yards. Security tossed out a group of protesters carrying pali flags and people in the crowd were yelling get the F out of here with that and go F yourselves . Thanks Baltimore!

  21. From Guy Benson:
    When Biden isn’t speaking he looks blank and confused. When he is speaking, his voice is weak. The substance is a mess on both sides. The optics are really rough for Biden, considering 70% of voters came into this debate already believing him to be too old to serve effectively.

  22. Pedo says “Americans have better health care coverage than ever before”.

    Reminds me of a Cuban being interviewed about “free” health care”.

    “The health care is free…and worth it. I can go to my doctor, but he can do nothing for me”
    -PJ O’Rourke, “All The Trouble In The World”.

    …unless you want a sex change, abortion, or to have a Clot Shot, youre not getting much from your doctor except maybe a hospice referral…

  23. …even if we DID have “the finest military in the world” as Pedo says, after all the soldiers hes had killed or kicked out over the Jab, between what he left in Afganistan and what he gave to the Ukes, its not like they have anything to fight WITH…

  24. I’m lovin this on DAily Mail as hubby in basement on our antenna TV!
    He finally gets to listen to more than just a few second soundbite of PT LOLOLOL he came up for snack after I fed him very well at 8pm announcing he would not be eating any more tonight–LOL he is not looking happy and he is not talking to the TV I hear it below me–this is RICH! Understand I live with a TDS patient, both sides of his family LOL! At least OUR KIDS are SANE, half related to me!

  25. …look, Ive dealt with the results of opioids on the streets and in the factories, but will someone PLEASE tell me where in the ever lovin’ Constitution does it say that drugs are ANY of The Federal Freaking Governments business?

    …other than generally controlling the border, of course.

    …The ONLY thing the Feds have done is to deny agonized American pain sufferers effective palliatives, even as they enable wudespread potheadism.

    Pain make you crazy. All denying legit pain medicine does is drive people to the illicit drugs and booze…

  26. Will President Trump accept the results of the election? The question is will the leftist media, CNN, NBC CBS, yes FOX, etc. accept the results. Not if President Trump wins.


    “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”


  28. Its over. Not gonna watch the shills give Pedo the “win”.

    But he DID kinda win, in that he didnt end up snapping and sunfishing on the floor in a puddle of his own piss, shit, and vomit.

    Thats what I was kinda hoping for…

  29. Not that I watched it, but I was hoping to read and hear that joetato had been claimed by Satan on live TV.

    Eyes roll back, blood shoots out of his ears and mouth, he screams, shits and pisses his trousers, and falls stone fucking dead on the podium.

  30. We’re not listening to this live, rather about 1/2 hour or more after the fact.

    I’m having a very hard time looking at Biden and listening to his evil lies. He’s an evil, evil, EVIL, reptilian. He is repugnant.

    God will repay his evil. God will have his day of wrath upon him. I’ve never wished eternal damnation for anyone and it’s been a real challenge tonight.

  31. Old Joe is right now on Airforce One headed to North Carolina for a rally/fundraiser. He’ll be there around 2 am Eastern time. His handlers are merciless.
    He just got trounced by President Trump. Sleepy Joe will be out of it.

    “Dr”. Jill will have to get more drugs in his system or he’ll get his nap on the plane. You can count on a diaper change.
    “Propped up” Joe is all the Democrats have to keep the donations going. Sad. LOL!

  32. uh oh TDS husband announces PT is “mentally ill” and that Biden will be replaced. He says he told everyone at his volunteer job yesterday that is the case. I am embarrassed and fear for his reputation so I sent him some stuff from PEW about migration at the southern border. He thinks all is hunky dory. He is so stupid on this topic. It’s too late for me to start over.

  33. TN Tuxedo
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 21:19 AT 9:19 PM
    ‘“… people get rapes all the time, by in-laws, brothers, sisters…”

    Don’t forget fathers. We sure haven’t.’

    …my first rape patient had been raped by her father repeatedly before getting away and faking seizues in the street so he couldnt recapture her.

    At least she got away and got help.

    Ashley never did.

  34. AbigailAdams
    THURSDAY, 27 JUNE 2024, 22:56 AT 10:56 PM

    “God will repay his evil. God will have his day of wrath upon him. I’ve never wished eternal damnation for anyone and it’s been a real challenge tonight.”


    I think Pedo has earned the full term spa treatment in the Lake of Fire, for at LEAST as long aa the master he served so well remains there…

  35. none of this matters…tomorrow we will be told biden “won” the debate, by all the mainstream media…..and all the people who watched or didn’t watch will assume biden won….and that will be that….HE WON….TRUMP LOST….
    buncha fools….democrats don’t care about truth….they only care about winning….that’s why they keep winning….
    and that is why we keep losing…..we care about TRUTH….they don’t GAS about truth….richard blumenthal, anyone?…..
    we proved he lied about his viet nam heroism, and the supreme court said he’s allowed to lie about it…

    when we can’t even get rid of proven liars from our government, it looks like there is nothing we can do…when there is nothing we can do LEGALLY to set things right, unfortunately they leave us to our imagination to decide what to do….

    we are at the same point as our founders were at in 1776…..can we find our 3% to save us?

  36. okay, i’m just gonna leave this here…..the reason they don’t like george washington, thomas jefferson, sam adams et al is….drum roll……


    and they won….which was very very bad…..

  37. “Walmart greeter is the only job joe* is qualified to do.”

    Not around here. The “greeters” face inward to see if you paid for those unbagged items. You have to have enough mental capacity to remember your purpose, stop everyone with unbagged items, and be able to find said items on a receipt.

    They are first level security against theft instead of greeting anyone.

    Hell, he’s Commander in Thief. He’d help carry out any stolen goods.

  38. Not only did the “debate” demonstrate Biden’s un-sustainability as a candidate, it showed that he is currently incapable of continuing to fill the role of President.

    He should resign at once or be removed.

    It’s over, Joe. Time for President Kamala and her campaign for election.

  39. Joe is a great president. Has brought us a great economy and is working to restore abortion up until term. We have the most diverse military in the world. He has filled the courts with honest judges. We can’t let Trump win and destroy all that is good.

  40. What a complete and utter shit show. Our country is fucked… completely fucked. Biden had a fucking earpiece in and still couldn’t get his lines. Of course he was allowed to cheat and he still failed disastrously.

  41. This has to be a record number of comments on a story, open thread or no. Trump came across dainty and civilized. Obama -pardon me- Biden came across absolutely wrecked and obviously unwell. I’m surprised we haven’t awakened to the Chinese taking Taiwan, the Norks in Seoul, the Iranians sweeping into Haifa, and the Russians on the outskirts of Berlin… again!

  42. How exactly did Biden get this cold. From skinny dipping in the Gulf of Alaska. Where did this cold virus come from .. the kitchen table, the couch?

    You do have to catch it from another human right? Joe wasn’t communing with the teeming masses in Calcutta; he was in isolation isolation. You’re gonna tell me the Secret Service can’t screen for a cold?

  43. ^
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  44. Yesterday pResident Biden was the darling of the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media that could do no wrong. “Oh those Aviators!” “He’s so quick and bright we just can’t keep up with him!” “He does more in one hour than most people do in a day!” Yada, Yada, Yada.

    Today the democRAT so-called “Media” is in shock like this is somehow news to them while the whole world sees him as a low IQ, kiddy-sniffing, slack-jawed, drooling, lying, one-handed, meatslapping Asswipe soaking in the dumpster juice of an absolute trainwreck they called a “debate”.
    Last night was the end of Jackass Joe.
    Klepto-Cri-Cuh-It-Tis-Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh……. yeah.”

    We have no President… and the whole world knows it! Tighten your set-belts kids!

  45. Holy Crap!

    Didn’t watch and figured I’d come here this AM to be brought up to speed, but


    I’ll go back over them, but when will the thread on who they’ll run and hwy be next?

    Big Mike, Hillary, Newsom???

  46. While we’ve all been focused on this “debate” the SCOTUS has dropped a couple of YUGE decisions. First off, CHEVRON is dead. Second, the J6 defendants cannot be charged with felonies under Section 1512(c)(2). These are FUCKING BIG DEALs.

  47. Yes Uncle Al, BIG FUCKING DEALS!

    For the first time in the past three years, I have hope in America.

    Now the question is, who the hell is running the country?
    It certainly isn’t that Visiting Angels Alzheimer’s patient they trotted out to be fed to the wolves last night…

  48. Well I split off here last night and went and investigated the fence sitters over on I.G. I ended freaked pissed/shocked/and with a lot less follows. To crowds, both I have commonality with. Weight lifters. Guys that are pack some extra muscle and worked hard for it. I’ve never met many Libtard weight lifters.
    Second group, what I now refer to as the Professional Veteran. Boo Hoo, I went to war, buy my tee shirts. My old man flew 3 tours in a B24, had “Battle Fatigue” up the ass and still managed to own his own biz, raise two kids, and stay happily married to the end so kiss my ass. With no outside help.
    This is some sort of organized defense. I say that because all these bastards are using the same terms and phrases. “Integrity” was the word of the night.
    Bottom line, Trump made an impressive move last night. He showed the world the real Joe. Now all he has to do is stay alive.

  49. First they need to get rid of Kamala. Then they are free to pick a new VP. I think they might choose Hillary. Slow Joe resigns. Hillary becomes president. She repicks Kamala as VP. (That is why she agrees to it in the first place.) Bingo Bango it’s Trump versus Hillary all over again.

  50. DNC and Obama are promoting Elder Abuse.

    Obama and the Godless DNC will do anything to continue the fundamental transformation (destruction) of the US.

    Biden doesn’t have a clue that he’s just a puppet.

  51. President Trump was certainly a lot clearer in his responses than marble-mouthed Joe, who apparently has had a huge transfer of marbles from his brain to his mouth.

    Trump won, but it could have been a bigger win if he had answered some direct questions, instead of repeating that Biden is the worst president in history, which is obvious. For example he did not directly take up the issue of expensive child care. He ignored other additional opportunities to deliver body blows to the democrats.

    Still, I’m glad he won and pummeled Biden to the floor in the bargain.


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