Biden’s New Spray Tan Look Not Cool – IOTW Report

Biden’s New Spray Tan Look Not Cool

Among the complaints for why Biden failed so hard at the debate was his makeup that made him look “pale and pallid” and I’d add waxy like a corpse. Here

Now commentators are mocking Biden’s make over that he rolled out when commenting on the recent SCOTUS ruling. Here

25 Comments on Biden’s New Spray Tan Look Not Cool

  1. So much of the shit they pull is beneath human dignity. The reason they have gotten away with it is explained in the children’s story The Emperor’s New Clothes. What they haven’t the brains to figure out is that they are late to the game. This strategy doesn’t work unless the sycophants are sicophanting and they are busy trying to save their own sorry careers at this point. They realize that the Biden contingent is seriously damaged and can’t do shit for them. No more sicophanting can be expected.

  2. I’m already tired of the excuses. If he was a Republican then the make-up artist messing up his look would be a given. Remember John McCain and the unprofessional professional photographer. The response to that incident was that it is the job of the candidate to make sure the look is acceptable. So biden should have had someone either do his makeup or double check the results.

  3. It’s only a matter of time before they paint his fingernails, put him in a mini skirt, and send him out as trans and you better vote for him unless you want to be labeled a transphobe

  4. They should spray him black and teach him ebonics.

    Well after all, he did say that he grew up in the Black church…
    And if you don’t vote Joe Biden you ain’t Black!

  5. Jill: Joe, Joe, stop. You’re spraying Jock Itch Spray on your face.

    Joe: Wha? They told me to spray this stuff on my face before the interview.

    Jill: Joe, NO! You’re supposed to spray this “Insta-Tan” spray on your face, not Jock Itch Spray. That’s for your itchy balls and pecker, not your face.

    Joe: Looking at both spray cans: Huh? What’s the difference? Both cans look the same to me.

    Jill: Joe, look…one can has a face on it, the other can shows a man’s crotch. How could you get confused? Are you planning on showing your tanned crotch on national TV?

    Joe: Well, maybe. If my daughter sees the video, she won’t care, she’s seen my crotch a whole lotta times (laughs till his balls turn blue). Stuckanolpolis will like it – he’s a fag, you know?

    Jill: Joe, c’mon. Cut it out. I helped you get to the White House and I’m simply not going to let you show your crotch on national TV.

    Joe: Ok, dear, you’re the boss (to himself – how I hate her…always, always spoiling my fun).


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