Leftwing Douchcanoe Accidentally Makes a Trump Campaign Ad – IOTW Report

Leftwing Douchcanoe Accidentally Makes a Trump Campaign Ad

25 Comments on Leftwing Douchcanoe Accidentally Makes a Trump Campaign Ad

  1. “The most radical re-making of the federal government the United States has ever seem”
    Ummmmm… itz called restoration to normalcy dickhead and it wouldn’t be needed if the Kenyan Kremepuff and his radical Communist fellow travelers hadn’t run this nation into the ground!

  2. Super! Sorry your back hole is hurt over common sense ideas but it’s understandable given your effeminate visage and tone. Perhaps you ought retire to your bull’s embrace? Or, make another ad for orange man bad?

  3. The Libtards are pushing the hell out of “Agenda 47”. It’s not Trumps. I believe it belongs to the Heritage Foundation. Trump’s agenda is on his web sight and does not differ much. These asshole are all over Social Media trying to scare each other.
    This kids still waiting for his testicles to drop. He should go speak with an adult. Other than his communist professors.

  4. Still waiting for the downside of what was enumerated. Oh wait!… It thinks those ARE the downside.

    Nut up buttercup. These are the very least of what needs to happen on DAY ONE.

  5. It takes a lot to de-clutter what has built up over decades.

    It only looks radical if you don’t consider how things – like the deep state – have gone too far for too long.

    Purging the cancerous parts as much as possible should be the order of the day every day.

    I would expect maximum squealing from the left. That would be big time power loss.

  6. “…this would be the most radical remaking of the federal government that the United States had ever seen…”

    No, Aaron, the “most radical remaking of the federal government that the US has ever seen” happened already, and it got us where we are today. Just because you discovered politics last month and had fat, purple-haired, lesbian public schoolmarms doesn’t mean things have always been this twisted in America.

  7. Republicans hate government, but love their country.

    Leftards love government, but hate their country.

    What power is most capable of destroying the country? A leftard will have some long winded feelings based response that totally misses the mark and makes a Trump ad. A republican rightfully has a 1 word response: government.

  8. regarding tattoos I think we need to mirror the laws, regarding the entry of our goods into their country. If they create barriers to our products entering their markets, we install the same barriers to their products entering our markets, an example would be American cars entering Japan are disassembled before import release, we use the same criteria to level the playing field.
    This prevents flooding our market with imbalanced trade, and opens the global market with the consumers being the true beneficiary.
    The rest of it is just icing on the cake, and only makes me want to vote harder.

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