Critter Tracks – IOTW Report

Critter Tracks

Images from:

1) Beachmom (Kitty) I had just finished putting a second coat of poly on the kitchen floor. I was leaning down looking for holidays, missed spots, when Kitty took 2 steps into the room and immediately backed out. I went out and around to look. Figured I’d go with it and painted the paw marks before applying the final coat of poly.
2) SNS (Deer) tracks.
3) Agatha Kakalogical (Horse) Horses on the beach.
4) Claudia (Deer) Track found on one of my walks in the prairie.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

7-14 Random iOTWr Critters
7-21 Watch What I Can Do – Do your critters like to show off their talents?
7-28 What Does the Tail Say? – Does your critter’s tail tell you to back off, I want to play, or ???

Thanks to all our wonderful contributors!

10 Comments on Critter Tracks

  1. I had a buck in my backyard just today, a young 6 pointer with a deep chest wonderfully silhouetted at the top of my hill, easy shot if I’d been so armed and inclined. I’ll send Claudia the picture later but its terrible because I had to zoom max on my not-good phone camera after my leashed dog chased him away from the chicken coop. The deer have been very active on my hill lately, maybe the fireworks are disturbing them, but the does seem particuarly suicidal which makes driving down a twisty, hilly road at 45 mph a new adventure every time.

    They are mostly left alone, not in season anyway, but I do hope they stay around for lunch when things get sideways here in a few months, you know, just in case.

    Until then, its nice to see God giving majesty and grace to these animals.

    But I suspect my wife would prefer He gave it to them further from her garden…

    Thanks for the break Lady C.

    God bless, SNS

  2. As always, a welcome respite from the political silliness. Thank you Claudia. I wish all of you a great new week.

  3. Thanks Claudia – always good stuff, but it reminded me of this old chestnut about the two drunks who were arguing about what kind of tracks they were looking at. Joe maintained that they were Deer tracks, while Larry insisted they were antelope tracks. While they were arguing about it they both got run over by a train.

  4. Harry. are you sure one of those guys wasn’t named Daryl as in Larry and Daryl. Sounds like something a Daryl would do, I should know I had a friend named Daryl who had a bad habit of always finding ways to screw things up especially whenever we went hunting with him. Which is why I quit hunting with him 40 years or so ago.

  5. Thanks for posting my photo!!
    It was from a recent trip to Barbados. They let the racehorses swim in the ocean early in the morning.
    I thought the horseshoes and sandals was an interesting shot!
    Enjoy your day all!

  6. We’ve had some raccoon activity lately, I’ve been sprouting sunflower seeds on the deck for chickens and a couple mornings ago all the planters were ripped up and seeds all gone.

    Caught them last night. Went out on deck with flashlight and there were coon prints all over the deck (no seeds out there, they were looking) coming from wet grass.

    4 baby coons and 1 big momma. They just stared into my high power flashlight like, “yea it was us, so what?” Then they walked towards the light and approached faster when I made noise. I just stood there and they sheepishly walked to and climbed over back fence.

    Apparently my deck now belongs to coons (and their prints) at night. aargh.


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