Dealing With the Left’s Idiocy – IOTW Report

Dealing With the Left’s Idiocy

I’m shadowed-banned on X. Anything I post is seen by about six people.

But the ones that do see the pearls appreciate what I write.

I like to write about how to deal with the idiotic blatherings that spill from the hemp holes of leftist dirtbags.

For instance, the leftwing crumb bums like to call people who back Trump “Magats.”

Do not argue with them. Simply remind them that maggots have been used medicinally to eat infections. So, yes, in a sense, “MAGA” are maggots- we have to eat the infection that is the left.

One other thing – when these shitstains get the faux vapors when they maintain that Trump called soldiers “suckers and losers,” ask them to recall how they treated Pat Tillman. Trump should be their guy if he actually said what they say he said.

18 Comments on Dealing With the Left’s Idiocy

  1. Trump never called soldiers “suckers and losers”, that lie was based on the word of one leftist “journalist” and was refuted by at least half-dozen who were in attendance and said it never happened.

  2. @BFH — I’m an X ignoramus. How do I find and follow you there, please?

    p.s. I did search for and find @bigfurhat but it says you’re suspended for being not nice. Or something.

  3. Joey is a blathering blatherskite which is of Scottish origin meaning silly, babbling speech that really doesn’t mean anything. Also, a babbling foolish person and can also refer to someone who is “contemptible”. Joey is all these things in spades. Maybe we should refer to him as despicable like Daffy Duck always calls Bugs Bunny when he’s mad at Bugs. Joey’s “despicable” and an ultramaroon.

  4. “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”—John Kerry, about US troops

    “Clap for that, you stupid bastards.”—Joe Biden to US troops

    But they were only joking, as reported af nauseam by their slavering media and fack-checkers, who are the real suckers and losers.

  5. Well, I guess if I’m a “MAGAt”, then you’re a faggot.
    But you’d probably take that as a pole smoking compliment.

  6. I’m pretty sure their smartphones can’t help them at the end of a rope or a barrel. if I was a leftist, I would be careful what I say about trump. some one’s keeping a list.

  7. Same here.
    Shadow banned on Twitter/X, Faccebook, youtube,, Reddit, Most sites that have Disqus commenting system.
    I never used vulgarity, never attacked anyone, never even said harsh stuff.
    All I did was counter the narrative with facts.
    I am not going to stop.
    They can censor me all they want.

  8. Several looney lefties that I know on TwiXer have taken to reposting long photo montage threads of Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. Bonus threads include Trump kissing Ivanka.

    So, Trump is a creep, but Biden, isn’t? Really. Have they not seen one Biden sniffing video? Hillary is married to the guy in a painting who is wearing Monica’s blue dress-found in the actual Epstein island mansion.

    It’s so weird. Do they get boosters to keep TDS going? It entirely unexplainable at this point. They are the bad guys and they are unable to accept it.

  9. I have neighbors who are freaking out posting snippets of the supposed “Project 2025” on our community FB page. The latest rant was how Trump is going to force public HS student to take a “Military Entrance Exam” but private HS students are exempt.
    I pointed out that public HS students have been required to take the ASVAB for at least 60 years, private HS students do not until such time that they themselves enlist. Nothing is changing, but because leftists are changing the words – “Military Entrance Exam” instead of ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) they are causing people to freak out at Trump.


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