“Traitors” – Musk Blasts Democrats Voting Against Republicans’ Election Integrity Bill – IOTW Report

“Traitors” – Musk Blasts Democrats Voting Against Republicans’ Election Integrity Bill

Zero Hedge

Back in May, House Speaker Mike Johnson unveiled legislation designed to ensure that only American citizens vote.

The unfortunate reality is that Joe Biden has let in millions of illegal immigrants, and the risk that these immigrants could influence our elections is extremely high. Legislation like this is absolutely necessary.

Johnson was pushing for the bill before the Independence Day recess with a thread explaining what the legislation does to ensure that only U.S. citizens vote. 

Many on the left oppose this legislation, claiming that it’s unnecessary because it is already illegal to vote if you’re not a U.S. citizen. However, Johnson addressed this when he introduced the bill earlier this year.

“Some have noted that it’s already a crime for noncitizens to vote in a federal election, and that is true. But here are four things that are also true,” Speaker Johnson said back in May.

“(1) It is true that there is no mechanism to ensure only those registering or voting are actually citizens…

(2) It is true that Biden has welcomed millions and millions of illegal aliens, including sophisticated criminal syndicates and agents of adversarial governments, into our borders and even on humanitarian parole…

(3) It is true that a growing number of localities are blurring the lines for noncitizens by allowing them to vote in municipal elections…

(4) It is true that Democrats have expressed a desire to turn non-citizens into voters.”

So, what does the bill do?

12 Comments on “Traitors” – Musk Blasts Democrats Voting Against Republicans’ Election Integrity Bill

  1. “Those who oppose this bill are traitors.”

    Including Gopers and RINOs, a significant number of whom probably will be joining the Democrats in opposing this bill. I could be wrong, because it is an impotent gesture which will die in the Senate anyway, so no risk involved for treasonous GOPers and RINOs.

  2. I’m just a hick in flyover country so I don’t understand the ways of congress, but I do have a question. Does the introduction of a bill in the house come before or after a sternly worded letter?

  3. Don’t buy into the establishment Republican propaganda. Paul Ryan pulled the same horseshit with Obamacare. The Party is united and are equally invested in total control of the election process.

  4. It should be quite obvious to any person with a limited number of brain cells that those in Congress have absolutely no regard for this country or the welfare of its citizens. Their only concern is money and power. Our government is corrupt to its core. Voting will not extract us from the mess we find ourselves in. America is all but destroyed already. If massive changes are not made we will not survive more of the insanity that is being foisted upon is by a small group of criminal actors. This is it. It is more serious than most perceive it to be. I, as others, have no idea what can be done but I do know we are near the end. Our government has done nothing positive for America since Biden took office. I would challenge anyone to name one thing meaningful. Everything has been detrimental and destructive.


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