Pantload Alert – “Republicans Will Regret a Second Trump Term” – IOTW Report

Pantload Alert – “Republicans Will Regret a Second Trump Term”

I love how the left keeps calling Trump “divisive” when he wouldn’t be if the left didn’t resist him.

When the right resists the Biden agenda, is Biden “divisive” according to the left?

The left is every bit as divisive as the right, but that is what makes a leftist throat-punch-worthy; they feel their agenda is “the path.”

Pantload HERE.

ht/ jd hasty

12 Comments on Pantload Alert – “Republicans Will Regret a Second Trump Term”

  1. Yeah, well up yours.

    Trump won in 2020. Had he been in office, think of just a few things that would not have happened:

    Border would be closed.

    Economy would be booming.

    Military would be non-woke and strong.

    Law enforcement would rule the streets.

    Russia/Ukraine would be settled.

    Israel would not have suffered 10/7 attack.

    Gas would be flowing, we would own the market.

    China, NOKO, Russia, Iran would STFU.

    That’s only for starters. This is a criminal administration and the “media” is a criminally complicit.

    F Joe Biden and anyone dumb or drug-addled enough to cast a vote for this fool, who has ZERO redeeming values.

  2. …Republicans have good reason to think they’ll be back in the White House next January. Only then will the regrets set in.

    Three in particular: First, Trump won’t slay the left; instead, he will re-energize and radicalize it.

    If the left isn’t energized and radicalized, then President Trump will be doing it wrong. President Trump will NOT be doing it wrong.

    Second, Trump will be a
    down-ballot loser, leading to divided and paralyzed government.

    Upon what real world analysis do you base this fantasy?

    Third, Trump’s second-term personnel won’t be like the ones in his first. Instead, he will appoint his Trumpiest people and pursue his Trumpiest instincts. The results won’t be ones old-school Republicans want or expect.

    Old-school Republicans are better known as RINOs. Fuck ’em.


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