At first, I felt that Trump had gone on too long – IOTW Report

At first, I felt that Trump had gone on too long

At first, I felt that Trump had gone on too long, but then it hit me. He is showing his stamina. He spoke for well over an hour, and he did not stumble, search for words, lose his train of thought, or lose his sense of humor, optimism, and timing.

In short, the DNC is sitting in a room right now screaming like “Hitler Finds Out,” — WE CANNOT RUN BIDEN!!!

The contrast is ridiculous.

Biden will not be the nominee. If he is, Trump wins 46 states.

40 Comments on At first, I felt that Trump had gone on too long

  1. I’m really glad I broke my life-long tradition tonight. I’ve never once watched a presidential election year political convention. Oh, I’ve watched some speech excerpts, but never any close to one whole session like tonight’s.

    I was a little disappointed that Ms. Ruiz, the exec in charge of the Doral golf operation, got such a tepid reception. I liked her speech and delivery and her story. Oh well.

    And I wholeheartedly agree, @Loco, his line about the chart was fabulous!

  2. One thing I must say.
    In a matter of days after being SHOT IN THE HEAD, that man stood on the stage in front of thousands and didn’t fucking blink.
    Nope, C O U R A G E


    I have been critical over the years but damn I must say, there is nobody on earth like Donald J Trump!
    God Bless Him!

  3. Clarification: I have been to two Libertarian Party conventions, back before the crazy coup. Well, there were always a few crazies in the crowd (I’ll tell you about StarChild some other time) but I’m talking about the crazies taking over the whole damned party.

    Let’s just say that the LP is like something from outer space compared to the Reps or Dems.

  4. I thought he was talking too long until I realized, this shows everyone he’s the same Trump as before, even better and stronger, despite the attempt on his life.

    He spoke about most of his goals he’ll accomplish when he becomes President again. Very inspiring to hear.

    BTW, President Trump and his family stayed on the stage for a long time. So great too see them. Melania was there, but no Barron. He’s so tall – too difficult to guard?

  5. WTF Loco? So I thought it was long. Those of us already on the Trump Train already are believers. The libs that are disillusioned with the donkeys probably did not stick around for the whole thing. I know a couple that didn’t. He doesn’t need to sell us, he needs to sell the undecided.

  6. Loco, you miss my point. He already has me, you, and millions more of us. There were also millions of libs that probably never watched the RNC or a Trump speech before. I doubt if many of them watched the whole thing. I thought Trump hit a home run for the first 45-60 minutes. Just my opinion.

  7. I think it’s quaint that joe6 believes modern day people still watch entire speeches.
    Yes, it was 93 minutes but it will be distilled & distributed into smaller soundbites.
    THAT is how it will be consumed these days.
    Times have changed, permanently.
    Fear not, joe6.

  8. Had Trump simply bullet point listed every single item Biden’s marxist ideology has done to screw up the country without even highlighting anything in agenda 47… It’d be 3 times longer.

    The best thing about Trump though, outside of him speaking about last Saturday’s tragedy, we all know what he’s going to say. There are no surprises, he’s steadfast with his messaging; we’ve all heard it before. Now we need to execute and succeed. This go around I’m not going to give a single second of time to shitlib reactions. Yea it was fun watching them lose their minds his first term, but they don’t deserve anything from us. I’m sick of those treasonist asshats, it’s time to steamroll without looking back at their corpses mashed in the asphalt, and it would be prudent to support Trump in that state of mind. I’m not talking about revenge, Trump would be president for all of America, I’m talking about proper principles for America. Let those anti-America twats stew in their self made misery, alone.

  9. The biggest change in POTUS Trump’s demeanor from post-assassination attempt to tonight was the appearance of terrible resolve. He’s pulling zero punches from here on out, no mistaking it. THAT’S the Trump our enemies have feared and respected and that made them bend the knee to his foreign policy and return-our-hostages “deals”. Wouldn’t surprise me if he starts calling some Democrats and their donors with threats of mailing “some interesting information” to Elon Musk. I distinctly sensed that trying to shame the Left into submission or educate their voters is off the table as a waste of time. It’s Righteous Scorched Earth, level 11 time now.

  10. At this point, fake news has Biden if they want to draw comparisons. Let’s see how that works out.
    When/if Biden gets the heave-ho, President Trump will rise to the challenge.

  11. What really needs to be emphasized, especially in light of kicking Jackass Joe to the curb, is the fact that no matter what face democRATz put on their cardboard cutout of a “President”, NOTHING WILL CHANGE! They will continue on their mission to destroy America!

  12. I have to admit I thought Eric went on too long and I also thought Trump went on too long, but I still listened to it all. I told my husband though it wouldn’t matter how long it went they will show bits and pieces of his speech and that’s what’s most of the country will hear. That’s the new world we live in, sound bites for people with the attention span of a child.

  13. I watched the whole thing except for 5 min when I had to use the bathroom.

    Looks like DJT Prostrate in in Great shape too!

    Lets see how long the Turnip can go before leaking out of his diaper…

  14. The leftist media kept reporting President Trump had “thrown out” his original speech after being shot. They were hoping for mealy mouth rhetoric about “can’t we all get along” with the new speech.

    Obviously, they don’t know President Trump. During his new speech, he doubled down on blowing up the Deep State’s agenda and moving Old Dementia Joe’s rotten carcass out of the White House.

    President Trump has the laser focus, taloned striking power and likeness of an eagle. Just like America’s national symbol. Commanding the attention needed in these crucial times.

    It now makes sense he took the time in his speech to outline his objectives for his new administration. It strikes fear in the shriveled hearts of his enemies and encourages Americans to believe for the prosperity our Founders intended.

    Those who missed his RNC speech should watch it and those of us who watched it should watch again. President Trump’s RNC speech is a mandate for the absolute best for America’s future.


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