Give It Time, and the Left Will Always Look Friggin Stupid on ANY ISSUE – IOTW Report

Give It Time, and the Left Will Always Look Friggin Stupid on ANY ISSUE

Remember, they tried to cancel people for appearing in photos and making that same gesture. I recall a man in his work truck, maybe a plumber, that they were adamant about canceling.

These people should rot in hell.

39 Comments on Give It Time, and the Left Will Always Look Friggin Stupid on ANY ISSUE

  1. It’s the OK symbol. Nothing nefarious about it for eons till they made it a thing. Entitled twerps.

    They are trying to cancel thumbs up too-probably because DJT.

  2. Brad: Boston U bestowing a cum laude Econ and Int’l Relations degree on this imbecile told us all we needed to know in 2018 about “education” at most “universities”. She and they are idiot bolsheviks. We are not.

  3. I think I’m a pretty easy going person, do your thing and leave me alone. But there are few people that I just can’t turn the channel or flip the iPad page fast enough…1) Obama (true evil) tie for 2) AOC/Newsom (f-ing stupid) and 3) the mayor of Sacramento Stienberg… talk about a punchable face! – that pos starts talking and the spit builds up in the corners of his mouth and he just pisses me off. Anyway, thanks for letting me rant.

  4. FJB

    Ahhh, that makes total sense. So while she was dancing around on the roof to some loser music video they bestowed her the original DEI hire. What ever happened to all those campaign finance laws she broke and was supposed to be prosecuted for? Gone. Off the radar. Oh hum.

  5. The left – “Marxist rules for thee, but not for me”.
    AOC doesn’t have to abide by the cultural edicts she imposes on the rest of society. Call AOC on the hypocrisy and she acts like it’s nothing to be concerned about and deflects.

    Turning a simple well-known hand gesture that confirms an agreement into a threat, is a standard Marxist control tactic.
    This foolishness needs to be ignored. Never go along with these batcrap crazy woke imaginary rules.


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