Biden Drops Out [Endorses Harris] – IOTW Report

Biden Drops Out [Endorses Harris]

Update: He Endorses Harris (In 2nd Statement)


James Woods Makes a Good Point, BUTTTTTTTT-

That would make Kamala an incumbent, and that’s not good. Morons may think, “She’s the president, and the world didn’t end. She’s got my vote.”

60 Comments on Biden Drops Out [Endorses Harris]

  1. They can just tell him he’s still POTUS every day for the rest of his life, and he know the difference.

    If the go with Killary, Cackles McKneepads, or Lizard Man Newsome, Trump has ample ammo to go after all of them.

  2. Not a surprise !
    Which Democrat liar will be nominated?
    Not one could run on the failures of the Biden Administration.

    How fast will the agency directors and mainstream Media approve with admiration and fawning over the new socialist selection?
    I’d say immediately.

  3. If you’re ‘with Joe’, then you’re just his Nurse changing his depends, and If you’re ‘behind Joe’, well then, you’re in for a treat, you’re just cleaning up his shit as he craps himself on his daily walks.

  4. So, who is it going to be? Let’s get to bedding started.

    Supplies check. Gin lime juice chips avocados salsa cheese sour cream jalapeno peppers refried beans popcorn… Check.

  5. I wanted to go on record… Fuck jotato, jilltato, kameltoe, and ALL democrats.

    You are all equally fucking worthless, and I wish you long lives of pain and despair.

  6. my only hope now is that the commies know they can’t cheat enough to win this time. why not let kamalama dingdong run, get destroyed, and never be able to do anything in the party again. I heard the Dems were already moving money out of the presidential warchest into house and Senate races

  7. Swell. Now George Clooney and Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks have the candidate they deserve, the Kalamitous Jamindian. She’s never going to escape the Obiden Bama taint. Stupidity doesn’t run in the Dementiacrat Party, it practically gallops! Yippee! Stand back from the landslide!

  8. Watch the Press all tell us what a great American Joe has been in his half century in DC, then instantly shift gears to what a great President Kamala will make. As Rush used to point out, they will all use the correct language as dictated in The Memo.

  9. The “second”/first debate between President Trump and KamalMao will be a barn burner. She’ll cackle the whole time and point her finger and try to scold when she gets mad.
    Hope President Trump makes those on target comments about her rotten record as VP and can keep his cool – trip KamalMao out like he did to Hillary when they debated.

  10. If they go to an Open Convention to pick someone other than Harris to “Save Our Democracy”, then the Democrat Party will be disenfranchising DEm voters who voted for Biden/Harris, to pick someone NOBODY voted for. A very UnDemocratic move to once again “SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY”.

  11. KamalMao will poison the down ballots. The Democrats will further destroy their chances to keep the White House and Senate if they nominate her. Yes!

  12. The Democrats are going to “phone in” the nomination. They don’t want chaos in Chicago. Too many of their delegates have invested in the Biden Harris ticket. Since Dementia Joe has endorsed KamalMao they really perfer to nominate her.
    Besides, in some states it’s going to be too late to change the ballots. Biden may be all those voters have. Sweet!

  13. Probably won’t be Kameltoe (but I would prefer her because too many Ds hate her).

    Possible suspects:
    Gov Dippyity Doo
    Queen Gretch

    Or someone from left field like the goober from Texas, Beto.

  14. 10% of what did they give Biden to drop out?

    President Trump will turn Kitty Harris into a bag of Kitty Litter during a debate, provided the Dems even allow her to have one. Remember this is also the Border Zsar who only went to the Mexican Border after they could found a Super Safe Zone fr her for a photo op.

  15. They already know that Trump is as good as sworn in. This is very important though, it is an indication that they know that the “conspiracy theorists” are not on the trail and are likely to bring what went down last week to bay unless they can pull a rabbit out of a hat. They are pulling out all of the stops to regain control of the situation. This is evidence of how panicked they are. They have lost control of the narrative and know that they better do anything they can to get people’s attention elsewhere or the gig is up.

  16. If not Harris (Dems won’t want to be the first party to nominate a woman of any shade of color, then lose), who’ll be the sacrificial lamb?
    Some white male Governor with little national recognition?
    Did Biden quit because of pressure, or did he just run out of money for all those lying TV ads?

  17. what happens if they know the great reset/next great depression is just around the corner, and they intentionally allow Republicans to take the fall. Nobody remembers who’s policy led to the last depression, but the Republican party was in power and took the blame. this set the stage for FDR to bring his progressive marxist inspired redistribution programs into effect.
    Playing the long game might not get them 2024, but set them up for a total takeover in 28. Acknowledge the loss, and blame the Republican party when the sovereign debt bomb,and the illegal immigration explosion cross and collapse the system.


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