The Dems End Democracy – Oust the Democratically Elected Candidate – IOTW Report

The Dems End Democracy – Oust the Democratically Elected Candidate

What happened to “democracy”?

25 Comments on The Dems End Democracy – Oust the Democratically Elected Candidate

  1. Pay attention to how the jackals in the media, and in general the Left, absolutely VILIFY what they deem as, GASP!, “populism”.

    -Orban is horrible because he’s a, gasp!, populist.
    -Populists have cause trouble in many Urapeeing nations, gasp!, because they’ve toppled traitorous/globalist officials who were installed to hurt them.
    -Trump is a, gasp!, populist, like, you know, the “moustache man” Hitler himself.

    What they infer 100%, is they think the stupids will reject ‘populism’ and neglect to see that POPULISM = DEMOCRACY.

    They are vicious defenders of “democracy” until the People stand up to vote against them.

  2. Brandon did not figuratively kill himself.

    Humpty Dumpty was pushed. This is how tyrannical leftist regimes operate. Always. It never varies. It’s all top down, it always is and never varies.

    Given the collection of malicious, maladjusted malcontents they have been trying to keep unified… this is going to go hot. There are going to be turf wars breaking out all the fuck over the place. The rotten, nasty fuckers who put this mess together have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. They are old, infirm, trying to keep the young upstarts off of them and also keep the whole fucking mess from coming apart at the seams.

    It would demand devine intervention to keep this three ring clusterfuck going. It ain’t going to happen

    On the bright side, they are going to be killing each other off as this plays out. The head of each faction will be trying to keep their footsoldiers from freelancing, but we are talking about perpetual children who have never been told no their entire life irrespective of how ludicrous or absurd their demands were.

    Katie bar the mothefucking door and if the neighbors are fighting, mind your own Goddamn business and stay the fuck out of it.

  3. The same tactics that the Republican establishment has allowed them to get away with when used against Constitutional conservatives will now be directed against anyone and everyone who is in their way. This is going to be a settled the same way internecine squabbling is always settled amongs progressive/Marxist/Satanist. Might makes right, they have made it perfectly clear that the ends justify the means. How many Goddamn times have you heard the phrase “By any means necessary! used by the rotten fuckers to not understand they have been inculcated with the sense that they have every right to resort to any tactics? Each and every one of them takes it to heart that they themselves, either individually or collectively, that the mass of mankind has been born with saddles on their backs, and they are represented among the favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them. Their arrogance knows no bounds and they wear their narcissism on their sleeve and consider it a badge of honor.

    There is a high likelihood that they have set off a power struggle that will quickly become a civil war within the Democrat Party that will be fought the only way the fuckers know how. It’s not going to be individuals struggling for power, this is going to be factions against factions all out war.

  4. Watch closely as individuals and groups are demonized by other groups. Here is what will be fun to watch as it plays out, the Ministry of Truth will not know who to take orders from. The NYT will be with the octogenarians, but MSNBC will be taking orders from AOC & Jayapal. Which faction is Antifa going with? Leftist Jews are going to find out that they are the odd man out, that’s for sure and for certain. The leadership among the Abortionistas will have the whip hand for a short while, until all hell starts breaking out all over the landscape.

  5. @ general malaise SUNDAY, 21 JULY 2024, 16:43 AT 4:43 PM

    I’ve been thinking about what happens when the events we are witnessing are set in motion for a long time. It was inevitable where the crime wave known as the Democrat Party was headed, it was just a matter of when it woukd arrive at this milestone.

  6. One thing is for certain…whoever the dems pick to run, the polls will immediately be manipulated to show that the annointed is ahead of Trump, thereby making the steal in November more believable to the incurably stupid.

  7. All I wanna know is if klamidia is going to be their candidate, where in the hell are they going to find someone more incompetent and dumber than she is for VP?!?!

  8. First the DNC stabbed their voters in the back by arranging Biden not be really primaried and now they’ve stabbed them in the back with this move.
    Dem voters will still be good little sheep though and vote for whomever they’re told to vote for.

  9. “Dem voters will still be good little sheep though and vote for whomever they’re told to vote for.”
    No doubt. The dims could run a doorknob against Trump and still get ~40% of the vote, or more if the same crooked shit takes place as last time.


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