Has Anyone Actually Seen Joe Lately? – IOTW Report

Has Anyone Actually Seen Joe Lately?

I ask after this post by Charlie Kirk Here

Update: AP states Joe is recovering in seclusion. Here

Lauren Boebert is demanding “Proof of Life” be provided by 5:00 PM Monday. Here

35 Comments on Has Anyone Actually Seen Joe Lately?

  1. At his age and state a simple cold could be a very real problem. Life-threatening even. So the constant harping on COVID is annoying – like it’s a boogieman no one is supposed to question.


  2. “Joe was seen climbing the stairway to heaven but fell and disappeared into the depths of hell.”

    And a big booming voice was heard to say, “Where The hell do you think you’re going?”

  3. “Biden”just called into a Kamala event.
    It sounds pre recorded. He’s was able to say names without mumbles and stumbles.
    No break for applause…just keeps talking.

    Ai, anyone?

  4. The theory/conjecture that appeals most to me out of the leaky garbage bag of blather is that Joey is really, really pissed off and refuses to cooperate. Remember in Atlas Shrugged when John Galt, giving his mandatory televised speech, steps suddenly to one side and exposes that the man behind him has been holding a gun on him the whole time? That’s what TPTB are afraid of: Joey will somehow convey the fact that his drop-out is bogus and was forced upon him.

    No, I’m not saying this is “true” but it is greatly appealing because it puts TPTB in a terrible bind. One factoid that supports its possibility is that a few people now are characterizing Joey’s endorsement of Kakamala as a big, fat in-their-faces FU to those who killed him politically. If so, their only choice might be to kill him biologically.

    And then there’s the good question of Where’s “Doctor” Jill? If they kill Joey, they’ll have to kill Jill, too. How’re they gonna spin that, eh?

  5. Uncle Al
    MONDAY, 22 JULY 2024, 18:32 AT 6:32 PM

    “If they kill Joey, they’ll have to kill Jill, too. How’re they gonna spin that, eh?”

    Not a problem. All our snipers wear MAGA hats now.

  6. Other than his wife and nurses? No.

    Do I think he knows he’s not running?

    No. Plus it wasn’t his signature on the letter. My guess is he’s sedated and doesn’t have a clue. They’ll fill him in later when he’s rested and amped up.

  7. Dementia Joe’s handlers have simply stopped administrating his Alzheimers meds. He’s probably bed ridden by now. Soon to be on a ventilator. He has no clue what’s going on.

    “Dr” Jill is being managed to keep her from sabotaging the “coronation” of KamalMao as the Democrat presidential nominee. The Shadow government will guarantee her silence permanently after Old Joe croaks. She knows too much.

  8. “Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s White House physician (and a family business partner), said Biden “presented this afternoon with upper respiratory symptoms, to include rhinorrhea (runny nose) and non-productive cough, with general malaise,” signaling that the president had nothing more than cold-like symptoms.”

    I was wondering what I was doing last Wednesday.

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