Donors Not Giving Harvard Their Bodies – IOTW Report

Donors Not Giving Harvard Their Bodies


Dozens of people have withdrawn their plans to donate their bodies to Harvard Medical School in the year since news broke that the school’s morgue manager was allegedly pillaging bodies donated to the school.

Last June, Cedric Lodge was arrested for trafficking in stolen human remains allegedly sourced from bodies donated to Harvard. More

More on the macabre trade that went on at the Harvard morgue. Here

10 Comments on Donors Not Giving Harvard Their Bodies

  1. “it does mention that Maclean shipped human skin to a man in Pennsylvania “and engaged in his services to tan the skin to create leather.”

    …hmm, that rings a historical bell…

    “Ilse Koch, “the Bitch of Buchenwald.” There was testimony at Nuremburg. Survivors said she had things made of Jewish people, especially their skin, and that she liked tattoos.”

    …its really not that different. When you deal with people who have no respect for human life, why would you be foolish enough to think they’d have any respect for the dead…

  2. “Hey, Cedric! Gimme a hand, bro.”
    “That’ll be $275.”
    “That’s steep, man. Why you charging me an arm and a leg?”
    “And arm and a leg’ll come to $1,750, but for you, sixteen and a quarter.”

  3. The people who chop up bodies are sick. This is not natural for someone to dissect a human. You really believe they don’t have sick sexual fantasies? I have it in writing not to donate me to “science.”

  4. Anonymous, it depends on why they are dissecting bodies.

    There is actual science that can be done with body parts. My wife’s family donated their father’s brain to an organization specializing in the condition he died from, which increased their understanding of the rare condition he had.

    Those that do this for pure monetary gain (or whatever they consider ‘pleasure’) should be given the same treatment as their deceased subjects received.


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