Democrats – The Party Based on Cheating – IOTW Report

Democrats – The Party Based on Cheating

Dave Portnoy says it more succinctly.

10 Comments on Democrats – The Party Based on Cheating

  1. The Democrats cheat because they can. Given similar sway over the levers of influence, the GOP would do the same thing.

    The goal is to implement mechanisms within the voting process (voter ID, voting only in person on election day, only citizens can vote, and sufficient eyes on all vote tabulation) which would make cheating in any iteration impossible.

  2. Rich Taylor @10.18
    I don’t believe that the Republicans are quite so quick to cheat, even if they could. We really are the party of law and order and with some exceptions, we live by what we believe.

  3. And yet, no matter what proof I show my Dem friends of Dem cheating – they still think Reps cheat more than Dems ever could.

    And they can’t show any homework to prove their point.


  4. Democrats were originally Tories who did not have the courage or honesty to declare themselves during the Revolution. They have always hated the Declaration of Independence hated the Constitution hated the Republic and sought to destroy it.
    They started a Civil War to retain control of their slaves but, more than that, they wanted a different country. The wanted a “two state solution”. Democrats have never wanted to be Americans.

  5. Years ago, when I was unmarried, I was about to enter the realm of physical intimacy with a very beautiful woman I was dating. One day, she blurted out a very liberal talking point. I left her home abruptly without explaining and never called her again or answered her calls. I wanted her to figure it out. I was told she did. I sometimes wish I had left after bumping nasties, but I have standards. (Sigh)

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