Pulling A Juicy – IOTW Report

Pulling A Juicy

h/t Dadof4

11 Comments on Pulling A Juicy

  1. What amazes me are all the Jussie Smollett’s out there that think they can get away with faking being a victim of racist hatred.

    Everyone just laughs at them, so why don’t they get it that we stop believing any of these “attacks?”

    Although, it is fun to laugh at them when they are caught.

  2. Just one more proof of who they really are.

    This needs to be canned and put in a folder for retrieval as needed. One of very many.

    We should start a library Hall of Lefty Infamy. Contributions from the world would be crazy.

  3. I hope the person whose photo he used to create his phony accounts sues him for everything he owns. Having your face connected to racist comments can ruin you in so many ways.

  4. Democrats have the emotional maturity of 10 yr. olds. They think if they do things “in secret” no one will know and they get away with it. Then, when caught deny, deny, deny. A reality check of procecution doesn’t deter their behavior. Democrats are too amoral to be honest about anything.


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