I Won’t Be Watching the Olympics – Watching Will Be an Endorsement of This Absolute CRAP –> – IOTW Report

I Won’t Be Watching the Olympics – Watching Will Be an Endorsement of This Absolute CRAP –>

ht/ woody

What are the new events?

Pole Smoking

The 100-Meter Sashay

Synchronized Shwinging

Clifford Diving

93 Comments on I Won’t Be Watching the Olympics – Watching Will Be an Endorsement of This Absolute CRAP –>

  1. We’re with you. Shameful and very sad. The Olympics used to be where the world came together for a few weeks and it was the last bastion of real meritocracy (except the East German judges always seemed to find a way to foul that up).

  2. Just like probably everyone here, I was always an Olympics fan. Now, I almost hope the muzzies ruin the Olympics. And only because we need to learn what the muzzies and the globalists intend for what’s left of free people. This could be a wake up call for us.

  3. Just like The Oscars, Emmys and Grammys the Olympics are no longer family friendly viewing 😳🥺

    They all have sold their souls to Satan 😈

    MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸✊✊

  4. …perhaps its just that things have come full circle.

    The gods of Olympus are described as petty, perverted, incestuous, murderous pedophiles who dont believe any rules apply to them either, so maybe this us actually an unintentionally accurate fitting tribute to them after all.

  5. Paris Olympics 2024 – ripe for a terrorist attack.

    The Atlanta Olympics of 1996 was the last one that held my interest. A few months after it ended, I read about a Gold Medal winner who complained he did not get any product endorsements. That did it for me.

  6. Not only that, there are refugees (Africa and “Asia”) in Paris protesting (rioting) because they’re homeless, etc. Because France doesn’t have any money to house and refuse to deport them.

    Be careful what you ask for, because you’ll certainly receive it.

  7. Not watching and won’t watch. I also saw that they had a rider on a pale horse.
    Satan is laughing knowing they’ll soon be joining him in hell.

  8. Holy fuck. I guess the good news is they can’t reproduce so sooner or later that fucked up gene pool becomes extinct. The people and organizations that push this perversion wouldn’t necessarily participate in getting poked in the pooper by a woman wearing a beard. They just know this furthers the destruction of the family unit and that’s their goal. Wake me up when Klaus Scwabby or Billy Gates takes an 8 inch dick up the ass. Please don’t send video. In the long run this is a war against female genitalia. Which would explain the WEFs support of it.

  9. There was once an accepted theory that homosexuality was fueled by pathological narcissism. But gay people grew livid when you said this. So it must be wrong

    Makes you wonder why they bend over backwards (or is it frontwards) to make it seem valid

  10. And SOMEONE(s) burned a bunch a Train Switching Stations and interrupted the Paris Transit System.


    Just like Notre Dame Cathedral.


    Was Christan/Catholic Notre Dame an Accident?

    HELL NO!

  11. Not for me and mine.
    Not interested in trans, lesbians, faggots, he/she/they/them, or other perverted sexual deviants from France or any country. Particularly when the olympic committee’s approval of blasphemous denigration of the Christian faith.

    France, like Britain has turned their Back on Christ, Biblical teachings, national traditions and now becoming a muslim shithole who prays to a pedophile, false prophet.

    I gain no joy saying, “Reap what you sow”. An existence of satan’s hordes overtaking Nations, the new plague infecting Europe.

  12. “Mocking the Last Supper… how edgy.”

    Exactly. They are like teenagers revolting against a perceived authority figure. They’re facing a hard lesson to learn and they deserve every bit of what’s coming.

  13. @ Wild Bill….Did she quit because she was hurt? I’m unfamiliar with her quitting. When she’s on she’s SPECTACULAR!….She’s married and older now and appears to be settled with this being final Olympics….The rest of the Olympics can pound sand…

  14. Brad said: In the long run this is a war against female genitalia.

    This is something I have tried to explain to women Brad, this is an attack on women. They are erasing women, but the idiot women will keep believing the bullshit about choice. I still today see women who believe the old lie that it’s just a D&C. Women are stupid. There’s a reason I say all the time women need to get back to having and raising babies and homemakers and let men get back to being the head of the household and providing for their family.

  15. I haven’t watched any of The Olympics yet, but I might tune in to a ladies beach volley match if it’s on at a convenient time. Who am I kidding, I’ll watch it on tape delay 🙂

  16. The French should be ashamed of this catastrophe they call the 2024 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony. The nations are floating by in boats …in the rain, lots of them not seen on camera and acknowledged.

    Weirdness abound. A creepy spectre, (a guy with a fencing mask in a tattered revolutionary blk/wht costume) is running around with the Olympic torch introducing unconnected themes.
    Giganic head-shaped billboards and statues of only French women historical figures – nod to feminism. Also, queer dancers, models. singers and of course, a blasphemous, deviant version of the “Last Supper”.

    Not really interested in watching this globalist Olympics out of protest, even though once the events start the Olympics might be worth watching. The Opening Ceremony however, was a cheap, uncoordinated, evil mess.

  17. I was on the rowing team in college, so I enjoy watching that if I am able. I have actually curled, so enjoy watching it (especially the very hot women’s teams) during the winter Olympics. The games are a farce obviously, and just another wealth transfer program that includes 2 weeks of distractions for the rabble while the elite further destroy the world.

  18. Snoop Dog carrying the Olympic torch? The joke in France is he will use it to light a joint. Don’t forget the Break Dancing as an event.

    I do love the diving and now there is a scandal about Chinese doping in the making. Equestrian events are my favorite and sadly not much is shown. The finale for stadium show jumping comes the last day and is always limited to about 15 minutes on TV. Dressage and 3 day evening may get 2 minutes each

    One would think the lesson about peaceful Palestinians had been learned in the 1972 Summer Olympics. I guess a refresher is needed for those too young to have experienced it..

  19. “And you shall be hated by all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved.”
    (Matthew 10:22)

    Hate on, maggots. We know how this ends.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  20. I won’t even watch lefty loon Bill’s.
    She quit last time because she didn’t like how things were going. Then she started calling racism on everything and pushing the alphabet Mafia and liberal bulloney.

    The Olympics Committee is completely political and a farce.
    Not watching

  21. “Hate on, maggots. We know how this ends.”

    Maggots turn into flies and then die on my fly bait. 😆

    The Olympics exist now only to glorify statism. And before that, only track and field were worth watching as that’s all the Olympics have ever been.

  22. That skeevy fucking Romney make my skin crawl the first time he showed on the national stage. He reinforces my initial impression every opportunity he gets. He is unmitigated filth incarnate.

  23. We went from an anti-American Olympics (with our own athletes being the worse culprits) in 2020 now to an anti-religion/anti-traditional Olympics. At the current rate of decline, will the next one in 2028 actually maim the contestants and/or fans?

  24. Progressivism = Marxism = Satanism, I just paid attention to what the followers of that worldview were telling me and believed them.

    Unfortunately it is taking this level of in your face for it to resonate with many people. The saddest part of it is, they do not come close to being the majority of those good Christian people who have been reluctant to recognize “progressives” for what they are. They don’t want to admit the truth about others they consider friends or family members who have willingly and of their own volition chosen to follow Satan. They refuse to call a spade a spade and continue to concede good intentions to those who undeservedly take such concessions use them to validate their choice to abandon God.

    The fuck do they have to do? How more in your face can they go? This dynamic is surreal to me.

  25. After watching the sick shit they’re showing that took place on Instagram today, including exposed male testicles, Golden Rams scattered about, bearded men with breast crawling around with their asses in the air, the appropriate response from team America is to pack up and come home.
    The French fag that produced this porn show says he was making sure everyone was included in this celebrations. Funny, I didn’t feel included. Christians would not felt included. And the funny thing is the Moooslems would throw them off roof tops. Fing stupid shit. Team America should come home.

  26. Olympics were semi valid when the sportsmen were -at least supposedly- amateurs. Soon as they allowed professionals I quit watching. Who on earth cares about a professional sprinter? Or pole vaulter? Or any of that?

    The French have been a fucked up mess for all of history and aren’t improving any this century. Queers of every stripe, you are French, French, you are queers of every stripe. Yawn. Now back to sodomizing one another with you trash.

  27. Eugenia , I saw a movie from the thirties that featured one of my favorite old timey actresses , Barbara Stanwyck playing a chorus girl in a Broadway show and she was dancing in a style that’s being called “Break Dancing” nowadays. Nothing new under the sun .

  28. I plan on watching just one person in her events, and that is KATIE LEDECKY who owns the swimming events and is like a machine in the water.

    The rest of it NO especially all the FAGGOTRY involved with it.

  29. I’m watching the new Projectile Vomiting event where style points account for half the score. Here’s the scoring logic:

    Score = (1/(Distance Rank) x 100) + Style where style is from 0 to 100.

    If you value ‘spread’ (of the splat, in inches), you can factor it in Style Points. Pineapple chunks always factor in majorly.

    Total of 5 rounds.

  30. @Geni — Thanks! But I was trying to be subtle and went too far. Both the unequal parallel bars and the balance beam have always been women only and are most definitely not appropriate for anybody with external genitalia. Owie!

  31. The Blue Tip Festival in my county had a toilet tossing contest included. Points were awarded for distance and style. Either the Sheriff’s office or the Prosecutors team won every year. Perhaps this should be an Olympic event complete with the toilet plunger marching band.

  32. Eugenia
    SATURDAY, 27 JULY 2024, 18:15 AT 6:15 PM

    …you cant have a toilet tossing competition at the Olympics.

    The shit that passes for atheletes now would feel threatened.

  33. Dear Amusement Park Reviewer.

    I do love sport, having been an athlete in my youth. And I’m reminded every two years of how much each generation of young people feel the same but are caught up in the pursuit of their dreams. They don’t realize how much their country and the world’s media are using them for their own ends.

    And those ends are not good, nor honest. If you continue to visit here I hope you discover how intellectually honest this group of readers actually are. In short, your statement couldn’t be further from the truth. You’re quite simply wrong.

    General Malaise

  34. Dear General Malaise,

    I hear you.
    You and many others are fighting the good fight.
    You too, Uncle Al.

    However, what was written in the Reviewer is not false due to the fact that it does not apply to you, Al, or any other particular poster. It is true because there are evil, plotting, conniving, dishonest players in the Big Game and calling THEM out shouldn’t be cause for anyone on the right side of this to feel threatened by the review.

    In reviewing the review nothing in the statement appears to be incorrect.

    By the way, Fox News did spend years and years pushing the trans issue. There is a Record,

    With Kindest Regards,
    The Ranger

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