M S D – IOTW Report



In his role he [Jorge Armando Contreras] had access to school district bank accounts [Magnolia School District] and the student body bank account, and “caused checks from these accounts to be deposited into his personal bank account,” the release said.

In his scheme, he wrote checks in small dollar amounts written to “M S D” with the letters spaced out. After receiving the paper signatures from others, he would fill in those blanks to spell fictitious names and increase the amounts of the checks and deposit them into his personal bank account at ATM’s. To conceal the theft, he provided bank reconciliation packets to others at the school district with falsified bank statements and records. More

11 Comments on M S D

  1. He got away with it for far longer than he should have been able to. It would have been nice if the report had told us how the thievery was discovered and tied to him. Or said that “the authorities” refused to disclose that information. Journalism is dead.

  2. Uncle Al, he probably wasn’t “caught” by good detective work or an alert green eyeshade. I bet he got on the wrong side of somebody in whom he’d confided, and this person snitched on him. And even after that, it probably took the school district a year to take it seriously and pursue the criminal. Police DEItectives don’t do hard number stuff, and bureaucratic dolts don’t care unless their paycheck bounces or some kid wears the wrong T-shirt to school. Jorge Armando Contreras knew hus marks well enough to understand that.

  3. He could have learned from Hunter, Joe and Family by starting over 100 shell companies, transferring the money between them 6 or 8 times before accessing the loot.
    It’s worked well for the Biden Crime Family, they haven’t even been indicted after many decades of theft and corruption.


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