Did Obama Play Joe Right Out of the Race? – IOTW Report

Did Obama Play Joe Right Out of the Race?


A new Substack out from Seymour Hersch indicates that former President Barack Obama and VP Kamala Harris, now presumptive Democrat nominee for president, threatened sitting President Joe Biden with the potential invocation of the 25th Amendment if he didn’t drop out the presidential race and cede that spot to the veep. This would mean that not only did they force Biden out of the race, but that the Democrats know full well that Biden isn’t fit to serve out the rest of his term, but are comfortable letting him continued as a figure head if it serves their efforts to retain power for the party. More

18 Comments on Did Obama Play Joe Right Out of the Race?

  1. Makes sense. Joe could no longer protect Obama and others in the Federal criminal cabal. So, get someone in there that can be blackmailed to protect you! At all cost, all previous Presidents, DOJ personnel, cabinet members, foreign agents and corporate people MUST be protected against prosecution (and foreign governments protected from exposure).

  2. They’re not just comfortable with Biden serving out his term, they desperately need him to stay in office, at least until they oust Harris as the “nominee”.

    None of them wanted Harris, but Biden’s entourage played them hard, knowing that the bery last thing Barky and his cabal want is Article 25 President Harris, campaigning as an incumbent, and virtually untouchable at the convention.

    That was a big bluff by Barkyville, and Bidentourage saw right through it. Now, the bony-fingered fruit has to purse his purple lips and play passive-aggressive games behind the scenes to get rid of Harris. ValJar, work your magic.

  3. biden dropping out did not remove the threat of 25ing him.
    He submitted to their blackmail once, and now they can threaten him with it again.
    if he just does whatever they want, they will paint a pretty picture of him.

  4. Barky & Kakala:

    threatened sitting President Joe Biden with the potential invocation of the 25th Amendment if he didn’t drop out the presidential race and cede that spot to the veep.

    Does that mean that the whole “Joey really pissed of Barky with his immediate endorsement of Kakala” idea? It that a pile of crap?

  5. Let me guess, they’re going to withhold Joe’s life-sustaining meds in the hope he dies of “natural causes” and they can bypass that issue of not being able to replace him on key state ballots.

  6. Bideb has been a puppet from the get-go. It was the scummy and greedy Jill Biden who made a deal with the devil (obama) to put herself in the power-mad position she is in.


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