French Olympics Organizers Official Apology for Drag Show Last Supper Stunt – IOTW Report

French Olympics Organizers Official Apology for Drag Show Last Supper Stunt


Organizers of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games have issued a non-apology apology for any offense “taken” by Christians from a drag queen parody of Jesus’ Last Supper.

“Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” declared Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps regarding the ceremony, which many — including the French bishops’ conference — have deemed a “mockery” of Christ’s Last Supper.

“The opening ceremony aimed to celebrate community tolerance,” she continued. “We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense, we are of course really sorry.” More

25 Comments on French Olympics Organizers Official Apology for Drag Show Last Supper Stunt

  1. Cowards.

    At least most children feel remorse when they get caught misbehaving, these psychopaths only regret push back on their displays of degeneracy.

    At least own it and admit you were taking your own particularly creative whack at the underpinnings of society. Then admit how proud you are of it.

  2. It was a gamble and they lost.
    Now they’re trying to save face.
    This was approved and rehearsed repeatedly.
    The apologies are empty. Not one person involved in this is innocent.

  3. Of course the presentation was meant to shock and offend. Why else would sexuality or religion even be a part of the Olympics’ opening ceremonies? Why the incessant pandering to a group that comprises 3-5% of the population? The glaring question is why anyone would want to define themselves by their sexual proclivities. No one gives a rats ass what one does in private as long as he’s not harming someone else. Either these people live extremely shallow lives or they’re simply attention whores. Whatever the case, the Olympics has committed suicide. People can live without them and their wokeness.

  4. That apology is some weak sauce. ‘We are sorry that you were offended’, is not the same as apologizing for having been offensive. Those faggots can take their “apology” and shove it right up their gerbil infested demonic asses.

  5. Jill Biden heartily approves of anything that mocks Christianity;

    I just read that a Eurosport commentator was sent home in disgrace because when the female Aussie swim quartet, after winning gold, was late to the podium, he made an off-the-cuff remark that they were probably still doing their make-up.

    Humor-less bastards.

  6. It is 100% gratuitous, self serving, disingenuous, opportunistic theater. There isn’t a single solitary individual that was in any way, shape or form involved in this who has any remorse or contrition for the act. They are sorry they got caught out in what they were up to. I can say that with 100% confidence that I am 100% accurate in that assessment. The reason being, there isn’t a single one of the subhuman pieces of shit that wouldn’t gleefully pull the same stunt tomorrow if they thought it wouldn’t be recognized for EXACTLY what it is and/or the media and big tech would have their back.

    If Bergoglio were not down with this he would have been out front calling for figurative hell, fire and brimstone to rain down in the guise of directing the flock to boycott the entire scandalous event and any sponsor that didn’t immediately pull their sponsorship. If the leader of your local parish did not do this morning, you know without a doubt where they stand and whether they stand with the Lord or stand with the forces aligned against The Good.

    And I mean every last word of this to be taken literally and I mean every last fucking word of it.

  7. I am a quiet Christian and I think it is the first commandment which says that There is only one God and to respect and honour him.
    This is EVIL but par for the course in France. I personally think that very bad things are going to happen to France because of this. As well, France did evil things to their Jewish population during World War II – there will be an accounting!

  8. Remember Juan Antonio Samaranch? The corrupt douchebag who seemed to President For Life of the IOC? He died back in 2001, but you’ll be heartened to know that his son, Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs, carries the family Olympic torch, reigning as the current Vice President of the IOC…with an emphasis on “vice”, apparently.

    Not that I give a damn about the Olympics, but they need to clean house, starting at the top, so this sort of obscene blasphemy stays in the homo bath houses and drag theaters where it belongs. And “obscene blasphemy” includes men competing against women.

    If the IOC wants to continue their rent-seeking grift for another 100 years, they’ll have to do better than apologize for allowing their cash cow to become a misogynist drag show and a complete mockery of athletic competition. And their penance had better start with ditching whatever monstrosity they have planned for the closing ceremony. They have my full attention now.

  9. The opening ceremony was dignified when I was a kid and watched the Olympics. They still are at Frontier Days, Ellensburg Rodeo, Pendleton Roundup, and rodeos around the country, winged sprint car races and other places Deplorables congregate and subhuman piece of shit progs avoid.

    Notice a pattern?

  10. Why are we inundated with fags, 24×7? Everything is fags, fags, fags anymore. Only 3% of the population are fags, but to watch mass media, you’d think 80% of the population like to play in the sewer.

    I tuned out professional sports years ago for a similar reason. I think it’s time to push back. In a “Democracy”, majority rules. It’s time for that majority to stand up.

  11. The Zerolympics will happen without me. I usually watch the distance track events, high jump and pole vault, long jump,and If I get lucky, the javelin throw.Notta chance now.

  12. A disingenuous “apology”. What do you expect from perverts. They really have no shame.
    France won’t escape God’s judgment. They need to repent for allowing deviancy to represent the nation. Very unlikely that can happens given their depraved spiritual situation.

  13. John Wilkes Booth apologized to Lincoln after he fired the shot.
    Didn’t make a whole Lotta difference then, doesn’t make a whole Lotta difference now!

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