If Everyone Sprinted On the Job – IOTW Report

If Everyone Sprinted On the Job

Lifeguard and Bank Teller are pretty hilarious. Well, most of them are!

I got tired just watching this.

20 Comments on If Everyone Sprinted On the Job

  1. For those of you who are interested, I proved yesterday it does indeed only take about four pounds of pressure to break a bone on the top of your foot. That was a very painful video to watch. LOL

  2. @Craceia
    Which scene? The bank teller?
    That’s a gutter spout extension they used to simulate the air port that used to be used at the drive up bank stations many years ago.

  3. Jethro

    “I suspect the force at impact was higher than 4 lbs.”
    Not much. Cut off saw table is about 30 inched off the ground, 1 by 1 by 16. long piece of the United States finest aircraft alloy chunks of aluminum. I didn’t even cuss. Much. Hell I put on my tenni runners and went to the gym. About half way through my workout I’m thinking. That hurts. By 6:00 it was big as a grapefruit. Kind of interesting shit actually. There are bones in your hands that take very little pressure to break too. But I’m not finding out. LOL The frailty of the human body is only second to the mind.
    Anyway, parts gotta run, taxes need to be paid, deliveries need to be met. Some where out there is a young tranni that needs breasts. I better get to work.


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