AI Finally Answers With the Truth About Murder in the U.S. – IOTW Report

AI Finally Answers With the Truth About Murder in the U.S.

I titled a piece below called “It’s the People, Stupid!”

I decided to go to AI, which has been very reluctant in the past to tread into “sensitive” and “woke” topics.

This was my convo after trying different ways for this “intelligence” to answer truthfully-

—-How many murders were committed in the United States in 2023? 

In 2023, the United States experienced a notable decrease in homicides. Preliminary data indicates a significant decline in the number of homicides across many cities, with an average decrease of 12.3% compared to previous years. Despite this, there were still a substantial number of firearm-related deaths. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there were approximately 18,874 firearm deaths in 2023, excluding suicides. This figure includes murders, accidental shootings, and homicides deemed legally justified.

Overall, the reduction in homicides in 2023 marks one of the largest national declines in homicide rates ever recorded in the U.S., reflecting a trend of decreasing violent crime in many areas

(As you can see, it is already subtly editorializing in its answer. Why include accidental shootings in murder statistics? Why focus on guns?

—-How many homicides were there in the U.S. in 2023?

In 2023, the United States saw a significant decline in homicide rates. Preliminary data indicates that there were approximately 18,874 firearm-related deaths, excluding suicides. This includes murders, accidental shootings, and legally justified homicides. This figure reflects a 7% decrease from the previous year, reversing a trend that peaked during the pandemic in 2021.

Homicide rates dropped by an average of 12.8% across major cities, with many areas reporting substantial reductions. For instance, cities like Philadelphia and Baltimore experienced significant drops in their murder rates, contributing to one of the largest national declines in homicides ever recorded.

Overall, the trend indicates a positive shift towards lower violent crime rates in many parts of the country, although perceptions of rising crime persist among the public.

(Again, why tell me about decreases in Democrat cities? It’s almost defensive.)

—-How many murders of all types were committed in the U.S. in 2023?

In 2023, the United States saw an estimated total of around 21,000 homicides. This figure includes all types of murders and represents a notable decrease from previous years, reflecting a significant drop in homicide rates across many cities. The reduction is part of a broader trend of declining violent crime in the country, despite public perceptions to the contrary.

—–Of the 21,000 homicides in the U.S. in 2023, what is the racial breakdown of the murderers?

In 2023, the United States saw approximately 21,000 homicides. The racial breakdown of the offenders can be derived from historical data trends, as detailed by the FBI and CDC.

Black or African American: Historically, Black individuals have represented a significant proportion of homicide offenders. For example, in recent years, Black offenders have accounted for around 54-55% of all known homicide offenders.

White: White individuals have typically made up about 43-44% of homicide offenders.

Hispanic or Latino: Hispanic or Latino individuals have been involved in approximately 17-18% of homicides.

Other Races: Individuals identified as Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Alaska Native typically represent a smaller percentage, approximately 3-4% combined.

These percentages reflect general trends and may vary slightly year-to-year. The majority of homicides continue to involve firearms, which remains a critical factor in the overall homicide rate in the U.S.

For more detailed statistics and a deeper dive into the data, you can refer to sources like the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program and the CDC’s reports on violence and homicide statistics.

—-What is the percentage of white people in the U.S.?

As of the most recent data available, the percentage of White people in the United States is approximately 76.3%. This figure includes those who identify as White alone or in combination with one or more other races. This information is typically updated by the U.S. Census Bureau, reflecting demographic changes over time.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, you can visit the U.S. Census Bureau’s website or refer to their latest demographic reports.

—-What is the percentage of black people in the U.S.?

As of 2023, the Black or African American population in the United States is approximately 14.91% of the total population. This figure includes individuals who identify as “Black alone” as well as those who identify as “Black in combination with another race,” bringing the total to about 15%.

—-What is the percentage of Hispanic or Latino people in the U.S.?

As of 2023, the Hispanic or Latino population in the United States is estimated to be approximately 18.65% of the total U.S. population. This includes individuals of any race who identify as Hispanic or Latino.


I do not post this for any other reason than I am sick of hearing about how rotten white people are and how guns are the problem. It’s not the gun; it’s the person with the gun. As we see in Britain, when a scumbag can’t get a gun, they will knife you.

Statistically, Hispanic and Latino people are what you would expect; the percentage of murders mirrors the percentage of the population.

Whites are way under-represented in the murder arena.

Blacks are way over-represented.

The Hispanics are the control if “wokesters” want to point to bigotry or poverty to explain black violence.

19 Comments on AI Finally Answers With the Truth About Murder in the U.S.

  1. Well the UK got rid of evil guns. Now knives are killing people. What do they have in common? Carbon Steel. That’s got to be the culprit. Sure there’s some stainless involved but by far it’s carbon steel.

    I am very lucky. I’ve machined probably a couple tons of that stuff in my lifetime. And I’ve managed to avoid getting killed by it.

    Fucking idiots!

  2. Brad has machined carbon steel? I think that warrants a visit from the FBI for accessory to murder.

    (Note: I’m trying to sound more stupid than a leftist, but it’s really hard).

  3. @Brad. Point taken. Dear FBI – it was an attempt at a joke, and I have it on good authority Brad’s office is protected with a 3% grade ramp.

  4. @GoB — Maybe it depends on how you check for race. If it’s simply color, I have to tell you my face is white, the soles of my feet are medium brown, and my butt hole is almost black even when it’s squeaky clean (not that I look at it that often). I can see how someone from the govt might be confused.

  5. “…and homicides deemed legally justified”

    Not only do you need to take them out of the “gun violence” basket, you also need to consider all the times just presenting a gun has stopped a crime.

    It’s quite an stounding number when you start considering the subject.

    How many crimes were stopped because of guns?

    They don’t want that truth to be told.

    Take gun control to the bottom line –

    1) Take all the guns and even take away the thought of them. Never existed!
    2) Take away all bows and arrows – especially the hand-held mini crossbows. Even the idea. Never existed!
    3) Take away all knives and swords. Even the idea. Never existed!
    4) You have rocks left now. Take away slingshots too? Never existed!
    5) You can still throw stuff like rocks, so that’s what you are now down to for self defense. Throwing rocks.

    I have ONE question for you pansies that think controlling objects will control people.

    What are you going to do when gangs of roving men decide to break into your house and take anything they want – including raping you and whatever else they want to do?

    You certainly don’t have any force multipliers at your fingertips with all your effective object control.

    We’ll call your kind the dead stupid people.


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