“White Dudes for Harris” Pioneers “Segregated Fundraising” – IOTW Report

“White Dudes for Harris” Pioneers “Segregated Fundraising”


Monday night, I watched the livestream of the “White Dudes for Harris” fundraiser. Our host, a thirtysomething political operative with a man-bun and a beard, was upfront: some people didn’t feel comfortable with this event. But, he argued, white men feel lonely; they’re struggling in the new economy and feeling forgotten. MAGA has co-opted masculinity, he said, and the left has ceded white guys to the right-wing. 

“But,” he declared, “that stops tonight.”

He then introduced the first guest speaker: a black guy. More

19 Comments on “White Dudes for Harris” Pioneers “Segregated Fundraising”

  1. “But, he argued, white men feel lonely;”

    That’s weird thing to say. This extremely tan white guy love every bit of alone time I can get. Let me rephrase that. My wife and I of 46 years love our alone time.

    Man bun. My first reaction when I see a man bun is grab it, slam the owners face into something hard, whip out my bad ass inertia knife and remove it. I understand law enforcement frowns upon this type of social interaction.

  2. joe6pak

    I’m keep saying, part of the attack on the traditional family is the severe drop in testosterone. Next time you see one of the comparisons of beaches in the 1980’s to the crowd at the beached today check it out. 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and even the 90’s the guys were all lean and had six packs. Not anymore. It’s looks like a herd of Chris Christie’s have taken over the sand.

  3. They do what they are told. It’s how cucks roll. They believe what they are told to believe. The sad part is that in places like Seattle and Portland they wear it on their sleves like a badge of honor.

  4. Any “leftist” white “dude” supporting Harris SHOULD feel lonely.
    (who calls himself “dude?”)

    He’s alone amongst a coterie of perverts, faggots, pederasts, pedophiles, anti-Semites, rat-fuckers, dog-fuckers, cat-ass-lickers, chicks-with-dicks, liars, parasites, globaloney-warming-hoaxers and exploiters, grifters, thieves, corrupt-o-crats, racists, communists, socialists, nazis, izlamicists, terrorists, fascists, anti-Americans, and Godless nihilistic totalitarians.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Sorry to break this to the author but David Soy-Boy Hogg was NOT a school shooting survivor. He was NOT at the school when the shooting took place. He rode his bike there when he heard about on the news.

  6. The Leftists have next to nothing in the tool belt, if you were to take raycism and sexism away from them, do they?

    That’s what happens to you if everything you believe in is 180• wrongheaded.

    Can’t we all just get along??

  7. That pasty group of retards should be drafted and used as cannon fodder in the next Great War

    Naw… the enemy would take one look at them in a scope and say: “Hold up Vlad, those are the assholes who help us”

  8. Feeling lonely are we? How about you roll up your sleeves and do some real work? Volunteer for something that matters to other people, you self-centered little shxt! Pick up trash on your street. Help the local kids fix their bikes. Help a neighbor fix their fence or gutters. The opportunities to build and be constructive are limitless.


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