How Do You Preserve Liberty? – IOTW Report

How Do You Preserve Liberty?

5 Comments on How Do You Preserve Liberty?

  1. I believe that the looney left fears Elon Musk almost as much as they do Donald Trump. Trump because he loves America as it was founded and stands for freedom and Musk because he is one of the world’s richest men and can’t be bought off just like Trump.

  2. A bit of a rant…I will give my answer to the question. Real liberty comes from God. The only way to preserve liberty is to get back to God’s plan for men and women. Men must submit to the headship of God and women must submit to the headship of their husband. Men must stay in their marriage and cherish their wife and put her on a pedestal. Women must respect their husband, help him and be his cheerleader.

    God gave men broad shoulders to carry the load, be providers and protectors. God gave women shapely bodies to have, raise and nurture their families. Men and women (even Christians) have believed the lie that the roles can be reversed. That spits in the face of God. Man telling God that His plan is imperfect. Can the clay say to the potter “You made me wrong”?

    Right now, today, people are incensed that men are purporting to be women to compete against women in competitions. It goes without saying that that is wrong. But I’ll go one step farther. The woman boxer who quit seconds into her match against a biological male should not have been there to begin with. It is not God’s plan that women compete against men in any physical competition or any arena for that matter. Women competing against men in the ring, workplace, politics or pulpit is a violation of God’s plan. Men who refuse to take up their role as provider and leader are violating God’s plan. That refusal opens the door for women to fill that role which is not theirs to have.

    God said, “Woe to those who call good evil and evil good.” The “woe” part is the hard part. Those who do this are under God’s judgment and those who condone this are just as guilty.

    This nation is circling the drain and Jesus is the only way to preserve liberty. I believe that this nation and the world will only get worse. We can only improve ourselves by repenting and returning to God’s plan for us.

    Jesus said, “Where the corpse (corruption) is the eagles (judgment) will gather.” He said that the world will be as bad as it was in Noah’s day (corruption and perversion of the marriage bed) and Lot’s day (sexual immorality) when He comes back. Once His gospel is declared to the whole world the end (the separation of the righteous from the unrighteous) will come. Every person will hear the gospel just before the separation so that those who are left behind are without excuse when they suffer God’s wrath and judgment.

    The way to avoid God’s wrath and to fulfill God’s plan for your life (the ultimate liberty) is to ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to live His plan that is outlined in the Bible this side of the separation because there is no salvation on the other side. //Rant off.


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